path: root/_tils/2020-09-05-pull-requests-with-git-the-old-school-way.md (follow)
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Replace kuvira -> toph... git grep -l euandreh.xyz | xargs sed -i 's|euandreh.xyz/\(.*\).git|euandre.org/git/\1|' Plus a few other manual changes. EuAndreh2022-11-261-1/+1
* Replace website.git address with euandre.org.git addressEuAndreh2022-08-311-1/+1
* Update link to Git repositoriesEuAndreh2021-10-111-1/+1
* _tils/2020-09-05-pull-requests-with-git-the-old-school-way.md: Fix order of r...EuAndreh2021-09-131-1/+1
* Remove about/ suffix from Git repo linksEuAndreh2021-03-061-1/+1
* Add some categories to existing TIL entriesEuAndreh2020-12-151-0/+8
* assert-content.sh: Enforce filename to be title slug + dateEuAndreh2020-10-231-0/+110