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+title: DIY an offline bug tracker with text files, Git and email
+date: 2020-11-07
+updated_at: 2021-08-14
+layout: post
+lang: en
+ref: diy-an-offline-bug-tracker-with-text-files-git-and-email
+When [push comes to shove][youtube-dl-takedown-notice], the operational aspects
+of governance of a software project matter a lot. And everybody likes to chime
+in with their alternative of how to avoid single points of failure in project
+governance, just like I'm doing right now.
+The most valuable assets of a project are:
+1. source code
+2. discussions
+3. documentation
+4. builds
+5. tasks and bugs
+For **source code**, Git and other DVCS solve that already: everybody gets a
+full copy of the entire source code.
+If your code forge is compromised, moving it to a new one takes a couple of
+minutes, if there isn't a secondary remote serving as mirror already. In this
+case, no action is required.
+If you're having your **discussions** by email,
+"[taking this archive somewhere else and carrying on is effortless][sourcehut-ml]".
+Besides, make sure to backup archives of past discussions so that the history is
+also preserved when this migration happens.
+The **documentation** should
+[live inside the repository itself][writethedocs-in-repo][^writethedocs-in-repo],
+so that not only it gets first class treatment, but also gets distributed to
+everybody too. Migrating the code to a new forge already migrates the
+documentation with it.
+[^writethedocs-in-repo]: Described as "the ultimate marriage of the two". Starts
+ at time 31:50.
+As long as you keep the **builds** vendor neutral, the migration should only
+involve adapting how you call your `tests.sh` from the format of
+`provider-1.yml` uses to the format that `provider-2.yml` accepts.
+It isn't valuable to carry the build history with the project, as this data
+quickly decays in value as weeks and months go by, but for simple text logs
+[using Git notes] may be just enough, and they would be replicated with the rest
+of the repository.
+[using Git notes]: {% link _tils/2020-11-30-storing-ci-data-on-git-notes.md %}
+But for **tasks and bugs** many rely on a vendor-specific service, where you
+register and manage those issues via a web browser. Some provide an
+[interface for interacting via email][todos-srht-email] or an API for
+[bridging local bugs with vendor-specific services][git-bug-bridges]. But
+they're all layers around the service, that disguises it as being a central
+point of failure, which when compromised would lead to data loss. When push comes
+to shove, you'd loose data.
+[youtube-dl-takedown-notice]: https://github.com/github/dmca/blob/master/2020/10/2020-10-23-RIAA.md
+[sourcehut-ml]: https://sourcehut.org/blog/2020-10-29-how-mailing-lists-prevent-censorship/
+[writethedocs-in-repo]: https://podcast.writethedocs.org/2017/01/25/episode-3-trends/
+[todos-srht-email]: https://man.sr.ht/todo.sr.ht/#email-access
+[git-bug-bridges]: https://github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug#bridges
+## Alternative: text files, Git and email
+Why not do the same as documentation, and move tasks and bugs into the
+repository itself?
+It requires no extra tool to be installed, and fits right in the already
+existing workflow for source code and documentation.
+I like to keep a [`TODOs.md`] file at the repository top-level, with
+two relevant sections: "tasks" and "bugs". Then when building the documentation
+I'll just [generate an HTML file from it], and [publish] it alongside the static
+website. All that is done on the main branch.
+Any issues discussions are done in the mailing list, and a reference to a
+discussion could be added to the ticket itself later on. External contributors
+can file tickets by sending a patch.
+The good thing about this solution is that it works for 99% of projects out
+For the other 1%, having Fossil's "[tickets][fossil-tickets]" could be an
+alternative, but you may not want to migrate your project to Fossil to get those
+Even though I keep a `TODOs.md` file on the main branch, you can have a `tasks`
+ branch with a `task-n.md` file for each task, or any other way you like.
+These tools are familiar enough that you can adjust it to fit your workflow.
+[`TODOs.md`]: https://euandre.org/git/remembering/tree/TODOs.md?id=3f727802cb73ab7aa139ca52e729fd106ea916d0
+[generate an HTML file from it]: https://euandre.org/git/remembering/tree/aux/workflow/TODOs.sh?id=3f727802cb73ab7aa139ca52e729fd106ea916d0
+[publish]: https://euandreh.xyz/remembering/TODOs.html
+[fossil-tickets]: https://fossil-scm.org/home/doc/trunk/www/bugtheory.wiki
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+title: The Next Paradigm Shift in Programming - video review
+date: 2020-11-08
+layout: post
+lang: en
+ref: the-next-paradigm-shift-in-programming-video-review
+eu_categories: video review
+This is a review with comments of
+"[The Next Paradigm Shift in Programming][video-link]", by Richard Feldman.
+This video was *strongly* suggested to me by a colleague. I wanted to discuss it
+with her, and when drafting my response I figured I could publish it publicly
+Before anything else, let me just be clear: I really like the talk, and I think
+Richard is a great public speaker. I've watched several of his talks over the
+years, and I feel I've followed his career at a distance, with much respect.
+This isn't a piece criticizing him personally, and I agree with almost
+everything he said. These are just some comments but also nitpicks on a few
+topics I think he missed, or that I view differently.
+[video-link]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YbK8o9rZfI
+## Structured programming
+The historical overview at the beginning is very good. In fact, the very video I
+watched previously was about structured programming!
+Kevlin Henney on
+"[The Forgotten Art of Structured Programming][structured-programming]" does a
+deep-dive on the topic of structured programming, and how on his view it is
+still hidden in our code, when we do a `continue` or a `break` in some ways.
+Even though it is less common to see an explicit `goto` in code these days, many
+of the original arguments of Dijkstra against explicit `goto`s is applicable to
+other constructs, too.
+This is a very mature view, and I like how he goes beyond the
+"don't use `goto`s" heuristic and proposes and a much more nuanced understanding
+of what "structured programming" means.
+In a few minutes, Richard is able to condense most of the significant bits of
+Kevlin's talk in a didactical way. Good job.
+[structured-programming]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFv8Wm2HdNM
+## OOP like a distributed system
+Richard extrapolates Alan Kay's original vision of OOP, and he concludes that
+it is more like a distributed system that how people think about OOP these days.
+But he then states that this is a rather bad idea, and we shouldn't pursue it,
+given that distributed systems are known to be hard.
+However, his extrapolation isn't really impossible, bad or an absurd. In fact,
+it has been followed through by Erlang. Joe Armstrong used to say that
+"[Erlang might the only OOP language][erlang-oop]", since it actually adopted
+this paradigm.
+But Erlang is a functional language. So this "OOP as a distributed system" view
+is more about designing systems in the large than programs in the small.
+There is a switch of levels in this comparison I'm making, as can be done with
+any language or paradigm: you can have a functional-like system that is built
+with an OOP language (like a compiler, that given the same input will produce
+the same output), or an OOP-like system that is built with a functional language
+(Rich Hickey calls it
+"[OOP in the large][langsys]"[^the-language-of-the-system]).
+So this jump from in-process paradigm to distributed paradigm is rather a big
+one, and I don't think you he can argue that OOP has anything to say about
+software distribution across nodes. You can still have Erlang actors that run
+independently and send messages to each other without a network between them.
+Any OTP application deployed on a single node effectively works like that.
+I think he went a bit too far with this extrapolation. Even though I agree it is
+a logical a fair one, it isn't evidently bad as he painted. I would be fine
+working with a single-node OTP application and seeing someone call it "a *real*
+OOP program".
+[erlang-oop]: https://www.infoq.com/interviews/johnson-armstrong-oop/
+[langsys]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROor6_NGIWU
+[^the-language-of-the-system]: From 24:05 to 27:45.
+## First class immutability
+I agree with his view of languages moving towards the functional paradigm.
+But I think you can narrow down the "first-class immutability" feature he points
+out as present on modern functional programming languages to "first-class
+immutable data structures".
+I wouldn't categorize a language as "supporting functional programming style"
+without a library for functional data structures it. By discipline you can avoid
+side-effects, write pure functions as much as possible, and pass functions as
+arguments around is almost every language these days, but if when changing an
+element of a vector mutates things in-place, that is still not functional
+To avoid that, you end-up needing to make clones of objects to pass to a
+function, using freezes or other workarounds. All those cases are when the
+underlying mix of OOP and functional programming fail.
+There are some languages with third-party libraries that provide functional data
+structures, like [immer][immer] for C++, or [ImmutableJS][immutablejs] for
+But functional programming is more easily achievable in languages that have them
+built-in, like Erlang, Elm and Clojure.
+[immer]: https://sinusoid.es/immer/
+[immutablejs]: https://immutable-js.github.io/immutable-js/
+## Managed side-effects
+His proposal of adopting managed side-effects as a first-class language concept
+is really intriguing.
+This is something you can achieve with a library, like [Redux][redux] for JavaScript or
+[re-frame][re-frame] for Clojure.
+I haven't worked with a language with managed side-effects at scale, and I don't
+feel this is a problem with Clojure or Erlang. But is this me finding a flaw in
+his argument or not acknowledging a benefit unknown to me? This is a provocative
+question I ask myself.
+Also all FP languages with managed side-effects I know are statically-typed, and
+all dynamically-typed FP languages I know don't have managed side-effects baked in.
+[redux]: https://redux.js.org/
+[re-frame]: https://github.com/Day8/re-frame
+## What about declarative programming?
+In "[Out of the Tar Pit][tar-pit]", B. Moseley and P. Marks go beyond his view
+of functional programming as the basis, and name a possible "functional
+relational programming" as an even better solution. They explicitly call out
+some flaws in most of the modern functional programming languages, and instead
+pick declarative programming as an even better starting paradigm.
+If the next paradigm shift is towards functional programming, will the following
+shift be towards declarative programming?
+[tar-pit]: http://curtclifton.net/papers/MoseleyMarks06a.pdf
+## Conclusion
+Beyond all Richard said, I also hear often bring up functional programming when
+talking about utilizing all cores of a computer, and how FP can help with that.
+Rich Hickey makes a great case for single-process FP on his famous talk
+"[Simple Made Easy][simple-made-easy]".
+[simple-made-easy]: https://www.infoq.com/presentations/Simple-Made-Easy/
+<!-- I find this conclusion too short, and it doesn't revisits the main points -->
+<!-- presented on the body of the article. I won't rewrite it now, but it would be an -->
+<!-- improvement to extend it to do so. -->
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+= Durable persistent trees and parser combinators - building a database
+date: 2020-11-12
+updated_at: 2021-02-09
+layout: post
+lang: en
+ref: durable-persistent-trees-and-parser-combinators-building-a-database
+eu_categories: mediator
+I've received with certain frequency messages from people wanting to know if
+I've made any progress on the database project
+[I've written about]({% link _articles/2020-08-31-the-database-i-wish-i-had.md %}).
+There are a few areas where I've made progress, and here's a public post on it.
+== Proof-of-concept: DAG log
+The main thing I wanted to validate with a concrete implementation was the
+concept of modeling a DAG on a sequence of datoms.
+The notion of a *datom* is a rip-off from Datomic, which models data with time
+aware *facts*, which come from RDF. RDF's fact is a triple of
+subject-predicate-object, and Datomic's datoms add a time component to it:
+subject-predicate-object-time, A.K.A. entity-attribute-value-transaction:
+[[person :likes "pizza" 0 true]
+ [person :likes "bread" 1 true]
+ [person :likes "pizza" 1 false]]
+The above datoms say:
+- at time 0, `person` like pizza;
+- at time 1, `person` stopped liking pizza, and started to like bread.
+Datomic ensures total consistency of this ever growing log by having a single
+writer, the transactor, that will enforce it when writing.
+In order to support disconnected clients, I needed a way to allow multiple
+writers, and I chose to do it by making the log not a list, but a
+directed acyclic graph (DAG):
+[[person :likes "pizza" 0 true]
+ [0 :parent :db/root 0 true]
+ [person :likes "bread" 1 true]
+ [person :likes "pizza" 1 false]
+ [1 :parent 0 1 true]]
+The extra datoms above add more information to build the directionality to the
+log, and instead of a single consistent log, the DAG could have multiple leaves
+that coexist, much like how different Git branches can have different "latest"
+In order to validate this idea, I started with a Clojure implementation. The
+goal was not to write the actual final code, but to make a proof-of-concept that
+would allow me to test and stretch the idea itself.
+This code [already exists][clj-poc], but is yet fairly incomplete:
+- the building of the index isn't done yet (with some
+ [commented code][clj-poc-index] on the next step to be implemented)
+- the indexing is extremely inefficient, with [more][clj-poc-o2-0]
+ [than][clj-poc-o2-1] [one][clj-poc-o2-2] occurrence of `O²` functions;
+- no query support yet.
+[clj-poc]: https://euandre.org/git/mediator/tree/src/core/clojure/src/mediator.clj?id=db4a727bc24b54b50158827b34502de21dbf8948#n1
+[clj-poc-index]: https://euandre.org/git/mediator/tree/src/core/clojure/src/mediator.clj?id=db4a727bc24b54b50158827b34502de21dbf8948#n295
+[clj-poc-o2-0]: https://euandre.org/git/mediator/tree/src/core/clojure/src/mediator.clj?id=db4a727bc24b54b50158827b34502de21dbf8948#n130
+[clj-poc-o2-1]: https://euandre.org/git/mediator/tree/src/core/clojure/src/mediator.clj?id=db4a727bc24b54b50158827b34502de21dbf8948#n146
+[clj-poc-o2-2]: https://euandre.org/git/mediator/tree/src/core/clojure/src/mediator.clj?id=db4a727bc24b54b50158827b34502de21dbf8948#n253
+== Top-down *and* bottom-up
+However, as time passed and I started looking at what the final implementation
+would look like, I started to consider keeping the PoC around.
+The top-down approach (Clojure PoC) was in fact helping guide me with the
+bottom-up, and I now have "promoted" the Clojure PoC into a "reference
+implementation". It should now be a finished implementation that says what the
+expected behaviour is, and the actual code should match the behaviour.
+The good thing about a reference implementation is that it has no performance of
+resources boundary, so if it ends up being 1000x slower and using 500× more
+memory, it should be find. The code can be also 10x or 100x simpler, too.
+== Top-down: durable persistent trees
+In promoting the PoC into a reference implementation, this top-down approach now
+needs to go beyond doing everything in memory, and the index data structure now
+needs to be disk-based.
+Roughly speaking, most storage engines out there are based either on B-Trees or
+LSM Trees, or some variations of those.
+But when building an immutable database, update-in-place B-Trees aren't an
+option, as it doesn't accommodate keeping historical views of the tree. LSM Trees
+may seem a better alternative, but duplication on the files with compaction are
+also ways to delete old data which is indeed useful for a historical view.
+I think the thing I'm after is a mix of a Copy-on-Write B-Tree, which would keep
+historical versions with the write IO cost amortization of memtables of LSM
+Trees. I don't know of any B-Tree variant out there that resembles this, so I'll
+call it "Flushing Copy-on-Write B-Tree".
+I haven't written any code for this yet, so all I have is a high-level view of
+what it will look like:
+1. like Copy-on-Write B-Trees, changing a leaf involves creating a new leaf and
+ building a new path from root to the leaf. The upside is that writes a lock
+ free, and no coordination is needed between readers and writers, ever;
+2. the downside is that a single leaf update means at least `H` new nodes that
+ will have to be flushed to disk, where `H` is the height of the tree. To avoid
+ that, the writer creates these nodes exclusively on the in-memory memtable, to
+ avoid flushing to disk on every leaf update;
+3. a background job will consolidate the memtable data every time it hits X MB,
+ and persist it to disk, amortizing the cost of the Copy-on-Write B-Tree;
+4. readers than will have the extra job of getting the latest relevant
+ disk-resident value and merge it with the memtable data.
+The key difference to existing Copy-on-Write B-Trees is that the new trees
+are only periodically written to disk, and the intermediate values are kept in
+memory. Since no node is ever updated, the page utilization is maximum as it
+doesn't need to keep space for future inserts and updates.
+And the key difference to existing LSM Trees is that no compaction is run:
+intermediate values are still relevant as the database grows. So this leaves out
+tombstones and value duplication done for write performance.
+One can delete intermediate index values to reclaim space, but no data is lost
+on the process, only old B-Tree values. And if the database ever comes back to
+that point (like when doing a historical query), the B-Tree will have to be
+rebuilt from a previous value. After all, the database *is* a set of datoms, and
+everything else is just derived data.
+Right now I'm still reading about other data structures that storage engines
+use, and I'll start implementing the "Flushing Copy-on-Write B-Tree" as I learn
+more[^learn-more-db] and mature it more.
+[^learn-more-db]: If you are interested in learning more about this too, the
+ very best two resources on this subject are Andy Pavlo's
+ "[Intro to Database Systems](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSE8ODhjZXjbohkNBWQs_otTrBTrjyohi)"
+ course and Alex Petrov's "[Database Internals](https://www.databass.dev/)" book.
+== Bottom-up: parser combinators and FFI
+I chose Rust as it has the best WebAssembly tooling support.
+My goal is not to build a Rust database, but a database that happens to be in
+Rust. In order to reach client platforms, the primary API is the FFI one.
+I'm not very happy with current tools for exposing Rust code via FFI to the
+external world: they either mix C with C++, which I don't want to do, or provide
+no access to the intermediate representation of the FFI, which would be useful
+for generating binding for any language that speaks FFI.
+I like better the path that the author of [cbindgen][cbindgen-crate]
+crate [proposes][rust-ffi]: emitting an data representation of the Rust C API
+(the author calls is a `ffi.json` file), and than building transformers from the
+data representation to the target language. This way you could generate a C API
+*and* the node-ffi bindings for JavaScript automatically from the Rust code.
+So the first thing to be done before moving on is an FFI exporter that doesn't
+mix C and C++, and generates said `ffi.json`, and than build a few transformers
+that take this `ffi.json` and generate the language bindings, be it C, C++,
+JavaScript, TypeScript, Kotlin, Swift, Dart, *etc*[^ffi-langs].
+[^ffi-langs]: Those are, specifically, the languages I'm more interested on. My
+ goal is supporting client applications, and those languages are the most
+ relevant for doing so: C for GTK, C++ for Qt, JavaScript and TypeScript for
+ Node.js and browser, Kotlin for Android and Swing, Swift for iOS, and Dart
+ for Flutter.
+I think the best way to get there is by taking the existing code for cbindgen,
+which uses the [syn][syn-crate] crate to parse the Rust code[^rust-syn], and
+adapt it to emit the metadata.
+[^rust-syn]: The fact that syn is an external crate to the Rust compiler points
+ to a big warning: procedural macros are not first class in Rust. They are
+ just like Babel plugins in JavaScript land, with the extra shortcoming that
+ there is no specification for the Rust syntax, unlike JavaScript.
+ As flawed as this may be, it seems to be generally acceptable and adopted,
+ which works against building a solid ecosystem for Rust.
+ The alternative that rust-ffi implements relies on internals of the Rust
+ compiler, which isn't actually worst, just less common and less accepted.
+I've started a fork of cbindgen: ~~x-bindgen~~[^x-bindgen]. Right now it is
+just a copy of cbindgen verbatim, and I plan to remove all C and C++ emitting
+code from it, and add a IR emitting code instead.
+[^x-bindgen]: *EDIT*: now archived, the experimentation was fun. I've started to move more towards C, so this effort became deprecated.
+When starting working on x-bindgen, I realized I didn't know what to look for in
+a header file, as I haven't written any C code in many years. So as I was
+writing [libedn][libedn-repo], I didn't know how to build a good C API to
+expose. So I tried porting the code to C, and right now I'm working on building
+a *good* C API for a JSON parser using parser combinators:
+~~ParsecC~~ [^parsecc].
+[^parsecc]: *EDIT*: now also archived.
+After "finishing" ParsecC I'll have a good notion of what a good C API is, and
+I'll have a better direction towards how to expose code from libedn to other
+languages, and work on x-bindgen then.
+What both libedn and ParsecC are missing right now are proper error reporting,
+and property-based testing for libedn.
+[cbindgen-crate]: https://github.com/eqrion/cbindgen
+[syn-crate]: https://github.com/dtolnay/syn
+[rust-ffi]: https://blog.eqrion.net/future-directions-for-cbindgen/
+[libedn-repo]: https://euandre.org/git/libedn/
+== Conclusion
+I've learned a lot already, and I feel the journey I'm on is worth going
+If any of those topics interest you, message me to discuss more or contribute!
+Patches welcome!
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+= Local-First Software: You Own Your Data, in spite of the Cloud - article review
+date: 2020-11-14
+layout: post
+lang: en
+ref: local-first-software-you-own-your-data-in-spite-of-the-cloud-article-review
+eu_categories: presentation,article review
+*This article is derived from a [presentation][presentation] given at a Papers
+We Love meetup on the same subject.*
+This is a review of the article
+"[Local-First Software: You Own Your Data, in spite of the Cloud][article-pdf]",
+by M. Kleppmann, A. Wiggins, P. Van Hardenberg and M. F. McGranaghan.
+== Offline-first, local-first
+The "local-first" term they use isn't new, and I have used it myself in the past
+to refer to this types of application, where the data lives primarily on the
+client, and there are conflict resolution algorithms that reconcile data created
+on different instances.
+Sometimes I see confusion with this idea and "client-side", "offline-friendly",
+"syncable", etc. I have myself used this terms, also.
+There exists, however, already the "offline-first" term, which conveys almost
+all of that meaning. In my view, "local-first" doesn't extend "offline-first" in
+any aspect, rather it gives a well-defined meaning to it instead. I could say
+that "local-first" is just "offline-first", but with 7 well-defined ideals
+instead of community best practices.
+It is a step forward, and given the number of times I've seen the paper shared
+around I think there's a chance people will prefer saying "local-first" in
+*lieu* of "offline-first" from now on.
+[presentation]: {% link _slides/2020-11-14-on-local-first-beyond-the-crdt-silver-bullet.slides %}
+[article-pdf]: https://martin.kleppmann.com/papers/local-first.pdf
+== Software licenses
+On a footnote of the 7th ideal ("You Retain Ultimate Ownership and Control"),
+the authors say:
+> In our opinion, maintaining control and ownership of data does not mean that
+> the software must necessarily be open source. (...) as long as it does not
+> artificially restrict what users can do with their files.
+They give examples of artificial restrictions, like this artificial restriction
+I've come up with:
+TODAY=$(date +%s)
+LICENSE_EXPIRATION=$(date -d 2020-11-15 +%s)
+if [ $TODAY -ge $LICENSE_EXPIRATION ]; then
+ echo 'License expired!'
+ exit 1
+echo $((2 + 2))
+Now when using this very useful program:
+# today
+$ ./useful-adder.sh
+# tomorrow
+$ ./useful-adder.sh
+License expired!
+This is obviously an intentional restriction, and it goes against the 5th ideal
+("The Long Now"). This software would only be useful as long as the embedded
+license expiration allowed. Sure you could change the clock on the computer, but
+there are many other ways that this type of intentional restriction is in
+conflict with that ideal.
+However, what about unintentional restrictions? What if a software had an equal
+or similar restriction, and stopped working after days pass? Or what if the
+programmer added a constant to make the development simpler, and this led to
+unintentionally restricting the user?
+# today
+$ useful-program
+# ...useful output...
+# tomorrow, with more data
+$ useful-program
+ERROR: Panic! Stack overflow!
+Just as easily as I can come up with ways to intentionally restrict users, I can
+do the same for unintentionally restrictions. A program can stop working for a
+variety of reasons.
+If it stops working due do, say, data growth, what are the options? Reverting to
+an earlier backup, and making it read-only? That isn't really a "Long Now", but
+rather a "Long Now as long as the software keeps working as expected".
+The point is: if the software isn't free, "The Long Now" isn't achievable
+without a lot of wishful thinking. Maybe the authors were trying to be more
+friendly towards business who don't like free software, but in doing so they've proposed
+a contradiction by reconciling "The Long Now" with proprietary software.
+It isn't the same as saying that any free software achieves that ideal,
+either. The license can still be free, but the source code can become
+unavailable due to cloud rot. Or maybe the build is undocumented, or the build
+tools had specific configuration that one has to guess. A piece of free
+software can still fail to achieve "The Long Now". Being free doesn't guarantee
+it, just makes it possible.
+A colleague has challenged my view, arguing that the software doesn't really
+need to be free, as long as there is an specification of the file format. This
+way if the software stops working, the format can still be processed by other
+programs. But this doesn't apply in practice: if you have a document that you
+write to, and software stops working, you still want to write to the document.
+An external tool that navigates the content and shows it to you won't allow you
+to keep writing, and when it does that tool is now starting to re-implement the
+An open specification could serve as a blueprint to other implementations,
+making the data format more friendly to reverse-engineering. But the
+re-implementation still has to exist, at which point the original software failed
+to achieve "The Long Now".
+It is less bad, but still not quite there yet.
+== Denial of existing solutions
+When describing "Existing Data Storage and Sharing Models", on a
+footnote[^devil] the authors say:
+[^devil]: This is the second aspect that I'm picking on the article from a
+ footnote. I guess the devil really is on the details.
+> In principle it is possible to collaborate without a repository service,
+> e.g. by sending patch files by email, but the majority of Git users rely
+> on GitHub.
+The authors go to a great length to talk about usability of cloud apps, and even
+point to research they've done on it, but they've missed learning more from
+local-first solutions that already exist.
+Say the automerge CRDT proves to be even more useful than what everybody
+imagined. Say someone builds a local-first repository service using it. How will
+it change anything of the Git/GitHub model? What is different about it that
+prevents people in the future writing a paper saying:
+> In principle it is possible to collaborate without a repository service,
+> e.g. by using automerge and platform X,
+> but the majority of Git users rely on GitHub.
+How is this any better?
+If it is already [possible][git-local-first] to have a local-first development
+workflow, why don't people use it? Is it just fashion, or there's a fundamental
+problem with it? If so, what is it, and how to avoid it?
+If sending patches by emails is perfectly possible but out of fashion, why even
+talk about Git/GitHub? Isn't this a problem that people are putting themselves
+in? How can CRDTs possibly prevent people from doing that?
+My impression is that the authors envision a better future, where development is
+fully decentralized unlike today, and somehow CRDTs will make that happen. If
+more people think this way, "CRDT" is next in line to the buzzword list that
+solves everything, like "containers", "blockchain" or "machine learning".
+Rather than picturing an imaginary service that could be described like
+"GitHub+CRDTs" and people would adopt it, I'd rather better understand why
+people don't do it already, since Git is built to work like that.
+[git-local-first]: https://drewdevault.com/2018/07/23/Git-is-already-distributed.html
+== Ditching of web applications
+The authors put web application in a worse position for building local-first
+application, claiming that:
+> (...) the architecture of web apps remains fundamentally server-centric.
+> Offline support is an afterthought in most web apps, and the result is
+> accordingly fragile.
+Well, I disagree.
+The problem isn't inherit to the web platform, but instead how people use it.
+I have myself built offline-first applications, leveraging IndexedDB, App Cache,
+*etc*. I wanted to build an offline-first application on the web, and so I did.
+In fact, many people choose [PouchDB][pouchdb] *because* of that, since it is a
+good tool for offline-first web applications. The problem isn't really the
+technology, but how much people want their application to be local-first.
+Contrast it with Android [Instant Apps][instant-apps], where applications are
+sent to the phone in small parts. Since this requires an internet connection to
+move from a part of the app bundle to another, a subset of the app isn't
+local-first, despite being an app.
+The point isn't the technology, but how people are using it. Local-first web
+applications are perfectly possible, just like non-local-first native
+applications are possible.
+[pouchdb]: https://pouchdb.com/
+[instant-apps]: https://developer.android.com/topic/google-play-instant
+== Costs are underrated
+I think the costs of "old-fashioned apps" over "cloud apps" are underrated,
+mainly regarding storage, and that this costs can vary a lot by application.
+Say a person writes online articles for their personal website, and puts
+everything into Git. Since there isn't supposed to be any collaboration, all
+of the relevant ideals of local-first are achieved.
+Now another person creates videos instead of articles. They could try keeping
+everything local, but after some time the storage usage fills the entire disk.
+This person's local-first setup would be much more complex, and would cost much
+more on maintenance, backup and storage.
+Even though both have similar needs, a local-first video repository is much more
+demanding. So the local-first thinking here isn't "just keep everything local",
+but "how much time and money am I willing to spend to keep everything local".
+The convenience of "cloud apps" becomes so attractive that many don't even have
+a local copy of their videos, and rely exclusively on service providers to
+maintain, backup and store their content.
+The dial measuring "cloud apps" and "old-fashioned apps" needs to be specific to
+== Real-time collaboration is optional
+If I were the one making the list of ideals, I wouldn't focus so much on
+real-time collaboration.
+Even though seamless collaboration is desired, it being real-time depends on the
+network being available for that. But ideal 3 states that
+"The Network is Optional", so real-time collaboration is also optional.
+The fundamentals of a local-first system should enable real-time collaboration
+when network is available, but shouldn't focus on it.
+On many places when discussing applications being offline, it is common for me
+to find people saying that their application works
+"even on a plane, subway or elevator". That is a reflection of when said
+developers have to deal with networks being unavailable.
+But this leaves out a big chunk of the world where internet connection is
+intermittent, or only works every other day or only once a week, or stops
+working when it rains, *etc*. For this audience, living without network
+connectivity isn't such a discrete moment in time, but part of every day life. I
+like the fact that the authors acknowledge that.
+When discussing "working offline", I'd rather keep this type of person in mind,
+then the subset of people who are offline when on the elevator will naturally be
+== On CRDTs and developer experience
+When discussing developer experience, the authors bring up some questions to be
+answered further, like:
+> For an app developer, how does the use of a CRDT-based data layer compare to
+> existing storage layers like a SQL database, a filesystem, or CoreData? Is a
+> distributed system harder to write software for?
+That is an easy one: yes.
+A distributed system *is* harder to write software for, being a distributed
+Adding a large layer of data structures and algorithms will make it more complex
+to write software for, naturally. And if trying to make this layer transparent
+to the programmer, so they can pretend that layer doesn't exist is a bad idea,
+as RPC frameworks have tried, and failed.
+See "[A Note on Distributed Computing][note-dist-comp]" for a critique on RPC
+frameworks trying to make the network invisible, which I think also applies in
+equivalence for making the CRDTs layer invisible.
+[rmi-wiki]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_remote_method_invocation
+[note-dist-comp]: https://web.archive.org/web/20130116163535/http://labs.oracle.com/techrep/1994/smli_tr-94-29.pdf
+## Conclusion
+I liked a lot the article, as it took the "offline-first" philosophy and ran
+with it.
+But I think the authors' view of adding CRDTs and things becoming local-first is
+a bit too magical.
+This particular area is one that I have large interest on, and I wish to see
+more being done on the "local-first" space.