path: root/po/eo/LC_MESSAGES/_articles/2020-08-31-the-database-i-wish-i-had.po
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-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"I watched the talk \"[Platform as a Reflection of Values: Joyent, Node.js "
-"and beyond](https://vimeo.com/230142234)\" by Bryan Cantrill, and I think he"
-" was able to put into words something I already felt for some time: if "
-"there's no piece of software out there that reflects your values, it's time "
-"for you to build that software[^talk-time]."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"[^talk-time]: At the very end, at time 29:49. When talking about the draft "
-"of this article with a friend, he noted that Bryan O'Sullivan (a different "
-"Bryan) says a similar thing on his talk \"[Running a startup on "
-"Haskell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR3Jirqk6W8)\", at time 4:15."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"I kind of agree with what he said, because this is already happening to me. "
-"I long for a database with a certain set of values, and for a few years I "
-"was just waiting for someone to finally write it. After watching his talk, "
-"Bryan is saying to me: \"time to stop waiting, and start writing it "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"So let me try to give an overview of such database, and go over its values."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Overview"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"I want a database that allows me to create decentralized client-side "
-"applications that can sync data."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "The best one-line description I can give right now is:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "It's sort of like PouchDB, Git, Datomic, SQLite and Mentat."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "A more descriptive version could be:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "An embedded, immutable, syncable relational database."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Let's go over what I mean by each of those aspects one by one."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Embedded"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"I think the server-side database landscape is diverse and mature enough for "
-"my needs (even though I end up choosing SQLite most of the time), and what "
-"I'm after is a database to be embedded on client-side applications itself, "
-"be it desktop, browser, mobile, *etc.*"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"The purpose of such database is not to keep some local cache of data in case"
-" of lost connectivity: we have good solutions for that already. It should "
-"serve as the source of truth, and allow the application to work on top of "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"[**SQLite**](https://sqlite.org/index.html) is a great example of that: it "
-"is a very powerful relational database that runs [almost "
-"anywhere](https://sqlite.org/whentouse.html). What I miss from it that "
-"SQLite doesn't provide is the ability to run it on the browser: even though "
-"you could compile it to WebAssembly, ~~it assumes a POSIX filesystem that "
-"would have to be emulated~~[^posix-sqlite]."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"[^posix-sqlite]: It was [pointed out to "
-"me](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24338881) that SQLite doesn't "
-"assume the existence of a POSIX filesystem, as I wrongly stated. Thanks for "
-"the correction."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"[**PouchDB**](https://pouchdb.com/) is another great example: it's a full "
-"reimplementation of [CouchDB](https://couchdb.apache.org/) that targets "
-"JavaScript environments, mainly the browser and Node.js. However I want a "
-"tool that can be deployed anywhere, and not limit its applications to places"
-" that already have a JavaScript runtime environment, or force the developer "
-"to bundle a JavaScript runtime environment with their application. This is "
-"true for GTK+ applications, command line programs, Android apps, *etc.*"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"[**Mentat**](https://github.com/mozilla/mentat) was an interesting project, "
-"but its reliance on SQLite makes it inherit most of the downsides (and "
-"benefits too) of SQLite itself."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Having such a requirement imposes a different approach to storage: we have "
-"to decouple the knowledge about the intricacies of storage from the usage of"
-" storage itself, so that a module (say query processing) can access storage "
-"through an API without needing to know about its implementation. This allows"
-" the database to target a POSIX filesystems storage API and an IndexedDB "
-"storage API, and make the rest of the code agnostic about storage. PouchDB "
-"has such mechanism (called [adapters](https://pouchdb.com/adapters.html)) "
-"and Datomic has them too (called [storage "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"This would allow the database to adapt to where it is embedded: when "
-"targeting the browser the IndexedDB storage API would provide the "
-"persistence layer that the database requires, and similarly the POSIX "
-"filesystem storage API would provide the persistence layer when targeting "
-"POSIX systems (like desktops, mobile, *etc.*)."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"But there's also an extra restriction that comes from by being embedded: it "
-"needs to provide and embeddable artifact, most likely a binary library "
-"object that exposes a C compatible FFI, similar to [how SQLite "
-"does](https://www.sqlite.org/amalgamation.html). Bundling a full runtime "
-"environment is possible, but doesn't make it a compelling solution for "
-"embedding. This rules out most languages, and leaves us with C, Rust, Zig, "
-"and similar options that can target POSIX systems and WebAssembly."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Immutable"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Being immutable means that only new information is added, no in-place update"
-" ever happens, and nothing is ever deleted."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Having an immutable database presents us with similar trade-offs found in "
-"persistent data structures, like lack of coordination when doing reads, "
-"caches being always coherent, and more usage of space."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"[**Datomic**](https://www.datomic.com/) is the go to database example of "
-"this: it will only add information (datoms) and allows you to query them in "
-"a multitude of ways. Stuart Halloway calls it \"accumulate-only\" over "
-"\"append-only\"[^accumulate-only](Video \"[Day of Datomic Part "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"It's accumulate-only, it is not append-only. So append-only, most people "
-"when they say that they're implying something physical about what happens."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "on Datomic's information model, at time 12:28."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Also a database can be append-only and overwrite existing information with "
-"new information, by doing clean-ups of \"stale\" data. I prefer to adopt the"
-" \"accumulate-only\" naming and approach."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"[**Git**](https://git-scm.com/) is another example of this: new commits are "
-"always added on top of the previous data, and it grows by adding commits "
-"instead of replacing existing ones."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Git repositories can only grow in size, and that is not only an acceptable "
-"condition, but also one of the reasons to use it."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"All this means that no in-place updates happens on data, and the database "
-"will be much more concerned about how compact and efficiently it stores data"
-" than how fast it does writes to disk. Being embedded, the storage "
-"limitation is either a) how much storage the device has or b) how much "
-"storage was designed for the application to consume. So even though the "
-"database could theoretically operate with hundreds of TBs, a browser page or"
-" mobile application wouldn't have access to this amount of storage. SQLite "
-"even [says](https://sqlite.org/limits.html) that it does support "
-"approximately 280 TBs of data, but those limits are untested."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"The upside of keeping everything is that you can have historical views of "
-"your data, which is very powerful. This also means that applications should "
-"turn this off when not relevant[^no-history]."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"[^no-history]: Similar to [Datomic's "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Syncable"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"This is a frequent topic when talking about offline-first solutions. When "
-"building applications that:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "can fully work offline,"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "stores data,"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "propagates that data to other application instances,"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"then you'll need a conflict resolution strategy to handle all the situations"
-" where different application instances disagree. Those application instances"
-" could be a desktop and a browser version of the same application, or the "
-"same mobile app in different devices."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"A three-way merge seems to be the best approach, on top of which you could "
-"add application specific conflict resolution functions, like:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "pick the change with higher timestamp;"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "if one change is a delete, pick it;"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "present the diff on the screen and allow the user to merge them."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Some databases try to make this \"easy\", by choosing a strategy for you, "
-"but I've found that different applications require different conflict "
-"resolution strategies. Instead, the database should leave this up to the "
-"user to decide, and provide tools for them to do it."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"[**Three-way merges in version "
-"control**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merge_(version_control)) are the "
-"best example, performing automatic merges when possible and asking the user "
-"to resolve conflicts when they appear."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"The unit of conflict for a version control system is a line of text. The "
-"database equivalent would probably be a single attribute, not a full entity "
-"or a full row."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Making all the conflict resolution logic be local should allow the database "
-"to have encrypted remotes similar to how [git-remote-"
-"gcrypt](https://spwhitton.name/tech/code/git-remote-gcrypt/) adds this "
-"functionality to Git. This would enable users to sync the application data "
-"across devices using an untrusted intermediary."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Relational"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "I want the power of relational queries on the client applications."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Most of the arguments against traditional table-oriented relational "
-"databases are related to write performance, but those don't apply here. The "
-"bottlenecks for client applications usually aren't write throughput. Nobody "
-"is interested in differentiating between 1 MB/s or 10 MB/s when you're "
-"limited to 500 MB total."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"The relational model of the database could either be based on SQL and tables"
-" like in SQLite, or maybe [datalog](https://docs.datomic.com/on-"
-"prem/query.html) and [datoms](https://docs.datomic.com/cloud/whatis/data-"
-"model.html#datoms) like in Datomic."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "From aspects to values"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Now let's try to translate the aspects above into values, as suggested by "
-"Bryan Cantrill."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Portability"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Being able to target so many different platforms is a bold goal, and the "
-"embedded nature of the database demands portability to be a core value."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Integrity"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"When the local database becomes the source of truth of the application, it "
-"must provide consistency guarantees that enables applications to rely on it."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Expressiveness"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"The database should empower applications to slice and dice the data in any "
-"way it wants to."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Next steps"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Since I can't find any database that fits these requirements, I've finally "
-"come to terms with doing it myself."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"It's probably going to take me a few years to do it, and making it portable "
-"between POSIX and IndexedDB will probably be the biggest challenge. I got "
-"myself a few books on databases to start."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "I wonder if I'll ever be able to get this done."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "External links"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"See discussions on "
-" [lobsters](https://lobste.rs/s/m9vkg4/database_i_wish_i_had), "
-"[HN](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24337244) and [a lengthy email "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"This makes me consider it as a storage backend all by itself. I\n"
-"initially considered having an SQLite storage backend as one implementation\n"
-"of the POSIX filesystem storage API that I mentioned. My goal was to rely on\n"
-"it so I could validate the correctness of the actual implementation, given\n"
-"SQLite's robustness.\n"
-"However it may even better to just use SQLite, and get an ACID backend\n"
-"without recreating a big part of SQLite from scratch. In fact, both Datomic\n"
-"and PouchDB didn't create an storage backend for themselves, they just\n"
-"plugged on what already existed and already worked. I'm beginning to think\n"
-"that it would be wiser to just do the same, and drop entirely the from\n"
-"scratch implementation that I mentioned.\n"
-"That's not to say that adding an IndexedDB compatibility layer to SQLite\n"
-"would be enough to make it fit the other requirements I mention on this\n"
-"page. SQLite still is an implementation of a update-in-place, SQL,\n"
-"table-oriented database. It is probably true that cherry-picking the\n"
-"relevant parts of SQLite (like storage access, consistency, crash recovery,\n"
-"parser generator, *etc.*) and leaving out the unwanted parts (SQL, tables,\n"
-"threading, *etc.*) would be better than including the full SQLite stack, but\n"
-"that's simply an optimization. Both could even coexist, if desired.\n"
-"SQLite would have to be treated similarly to how Datomic treats SQL\n"
-"databases: instead of having a table for each entities, spread attributes\n"
-"over the tables, *etc.*, it treats SQL databases as a key-value storage so it\n"
-"doesn't have to re-implement interacting with the disk that other databases\n"
-"do well.\n"
-"The tables would contain blocks of binary data, so there isn't a difference\n"
-"on how the SQLite storage backend behaves and how the IndexedDB storage\n"
-"backend behaves, much like how Datomic works the same regardless of the\n"
-"storage backend, same for PouchDB.\n"
-"I welcome corrections on what I said above, too.\n"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"title: The database I wish I had\n"
-"date: 2020-08-31\n"
-"updated_at: 2020-09-03\n"
-"layout: post\n"
-"lang: en\n"
-"ref: the-database-i-wish-i-had\n"
-"eu_categories: mediator"
-msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "title: The database I wish I had\n"
-#~ "date: 2020-08-31\n"
-#~ "updated_at: 2020-09-03\n"
-#~ "layout: post\n"
-#~ "lang: en\n"
-#~ "ref: the-database-i-wish-i-had\n"
-#~ "category: mediator"
-#~ msgstr ""