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-title: "Local-First Software: You Own Your Data, in spite of the Cloud - article review"
-date: 2020-11-14
-layout: post
-lang: en
-ref: local-first-software-you-own-your-data-in-spite-of-the-cloud-article-review
-eu_categories: presentation,article review
-*This article is derived from a [presentation][presentation] given at a Papers
-We Love meetup on the same subject.*
-This is a review of the article
-"[Local-First Software: You Own Your Data, in spite of the Cloud][article-pdf]",
-by M. Kleppmann, A. Wiggins, P. Van Hardenberg and M. F. McGranaghan.
-### Offline-first, local-first
-The "local-first" term they use isn't new, and I have used it myself in the past
-to refer to this types of application, where the data lives primarily on the
-client, and there are conflict resolution algorithms that reconcile data created
-on different instances.
-Sometimes I see confusion with this idea and "client-side", "offline-friendly",
-"syncable", etc. I have myself used this terms, also.
-There exists, however, already the "offline-first" term, which conveys almost
-all of that meaning. In my view, "local-first" doesn't extend "offline-first" in
-any aspect, rather it gives a well-defined meaning to it instead. I could say
-that "local-first" is just "offline-first", but with 7 well-defined ideals
-instead of community best practices.
-It is a step forward, and given the number of times I've seen the paper shared
-around I think there's a chance people will prefer saying "local-first" in
-*lieu* of "offline-first" from now on.
-[presentation]: {% link _slides/2020-11-14-on-local-first-beyond-the-crdt-silver-bullet.slides %}
-[article-pdf]: https://martin.kleppmann.com/papers/local-first.pdf
-### Software licenses
-On a footnote of the 7th ideal ("You Retain Ultimate Ownership and Control"),
-the authors say:
-> In our opinion, maintaining control and ownership of data does not mean that
-> the software must necessarily be open source. (...) as long as it does not
-> artificially restrict what users can do with their files.
-They give examples of artificial restrictions, like this artificial restriction
-I've come up with:
-TODAY=$(date +%s)
-LICENSE_EXPIRATION=$(date -d 2020-11-15 +%s)
-if [ $TODAY -ge $LICENSE_EXPIRATION ]; then
- echo 'License expired!'
- exit 1
-echo $((2 + 2))
-Now when using this very useful program:
-# today
-$ ./useful-adder.sh
-# tomorrow
-$ ./useful-adder.sh
-License expired!
-This is obviously an intentional restriction, and it goes against the 5th ideal
-("The Long Now"). This software would only be useful as long as the embedded
-license expiration allowed. Sure you could change the clock on the computer, but
-there are many other ways that this type of intentional restriction is in
-conflict with that ideal.
-However, what about unintentional restrictions? What if a software had an equal
-or similar restriction, and stopped working after days pass? Or what if the
-programmer added a constant to make the development simpler, and this led to
-unintentionally restricting the user?
-# today
-$ useful-program
-# ...useful output...
-# tomorrow, with more data
-$ useful-program
-ERROR: Panic! Stack overflow!
-Just as easily as I can come up with ways to intentionally restrict users, I can
-do the same for unintentionally restrictions. A program can stop working for a
-variety of reasons.
-If it stops working due do, say, data growth, what are the options? Reverting to
-an earlier backup, and making it read-only? That isn't really a "Long Now", but
-rather a "Long Now as long as the software keeps working as expected".
-The point is: if the software isn't free, "The Long Now" isn't achievable
-without a lot of wishful thinking. Maybe the authors were trying to be more
-friendly towards business who don't like free software, but in doing so they've proposed
-a contradiction by reconciling "The Long Now" with proprietary software.
-It isn't the same as saying that any free software achieves that ideal,
-either. The license can still be free, but the source code can become
-unavailable due to cloud rot. Or maybe the build is undocumented, or the build
-tools had specific configuration that one has to guess. A piece of free
-software can still fail to achieve "The Long Now". Being free doesn't guarantee
-it, just makes it possible.
-A colleague has challenged my view, arguing that the software doesn't really
-need to be free, as long as there is an specification of the file format. This
-way if the software stops working, the format can still be processed by other
-programs. But this doesn't apply in practice: if you have a document that you
-write to, and software stops working, you still want to write to the document.
-An external tool that navigates the content and shows it to you won't allow you
-to keep writing, and when it does that tool is now starting to re-implement the
-An open specification could serve as a blueprint to other implementations,
-making the data format more friendly to reverse-engineering. But the
-re-implementation still has to exist, at which point the original software failed
-to achieve "The Long Now".
-It is less bad, but still not quite there yet.
-### Denial of existing solutions
-When describing "Existing Data Storage and Sharing Models", on a
-footnote[^devil] the authors say:
-[^devil]: This is the second aspect that I'm picking on the article from a
- footnote. I guess the devil really is on the details.
-> In principle it is possible to collaborate without a repository service,
-> e.g. by sending patch files by email, but the majority of Git users rely
-> on GitHub.
-The authors go to a great length to talk about usability of cloud apps, and even
-point to research they've done on it, but they've missed learning more from
-local-first solutions that already exist.
-Say the automerge CRDT proves to be even more useful than what everybody
-imagined. Say someone builds a local-first repository service using it. How will
-it change anything of the Git/GitHub model? What is different about it that
-prevents people in the future writing a paper saying:
-> In principle it is possible to collaborate without a repository service,
-> e.g. by using automerge and platform X,
-> but the majority of Git users rely on GitHub.
-How is this any better?
-If it is already [possible][git-local-first] to have a local-first development
-workflow, why don't people use it? Is it just fashion, or there's a fundamental
-problem with it? If so, what is it, and how to avoid it?
-If sending patches by emails is perfectly possible but out of fashion, why even
-talk about Git/GitHub? Isn't this a problem that people are putting themselves
-in? How can CRDTs possibly prevent people from doing that?
-My impression is that the authors envision a better future, where development is
-fully decentralized unlike today, and somehow CRDTs will make that happen. If
-more people think this way, "CRDT" is next in line to the buzzword list that
-solves everything, like "containers", "blockchain" or "machine learning".
-Rather than picturing an imaginary service that could be described like
-"GitHub+CRDTs" and people would adopt it, I'd rather better understand why
-people don't do it already, since Git is built to work like that.
-[git-local-first]: https://drewdevault.com/2018/07/23/Git-is-already-distributed.html
-### Ditching of web applications
-The authors put web application in a worse position for building local-first
-application, claiming that:
-> (...) the architecture of web apps remains fundamentally server-centric.
-> Offline support is an afterthought in most web apps, and the result is
-> accordingly fragile.
-Well, I disagree.
-The problem isn't inherit to the web platform, but instead how people use it.
-I have myself built offline-first applications, leveraging IndexedDB, App Cache,
-*etc*. I wanted to build an offline-first application on the web, and so I did.
-In fact, many people choose [PouchDB][pouchdb] *because* of that, since it is a
-good tool for offline-first web applications. The problem isn't really the
-technology, but how much people want their application to be local-first.
-Contrast it with Android [Instant Apps][instant-apps], where applications are
-sent to the phone in small parts. Since this requires an internet connection to
-move from a part of the app bundle to another, a subset of the app isn't
-local-first, despite being an app.
-The point isn't the technology, but how people are using it. Local-first web
-applications are perfectly possible, just like non-local-first native
-applications are possible.
-[pouchdb]: https://pouchdb.com/
-[instant-apps]: https://developer.android.com/topic/google-play-instant
-### Costs are underrated
-I think the costs of "old-fashioned apps" over "cloud apps" are underrated,
-mainly regarding storage, and that this costs can vary a lot by application.
-Say a person writes online articles for their personal website, and puts
-everything into Git. Since there isn't supposed to be any collaboration, all
-of the relevant ideals of local-first are achieved.
-Now another person creates videos instead of articles. They could try keeping
-everything local, but after some time the storage usage fills the entire disk.
-This person's local-first setup would be much more complex, and would cost much
-more on maintenance, backup and storage.
-Even though both have similar needs, a local-first video repository is much more
-demanding. So the local-first thinking here isn't "just keep everything local",
-but "how much time and money am I willing to spend to keep everything local".
-The convenience of "cloud apps" becomes so attractive that many don't even have
-a local copy of their videos, and rely exclusively on service providers to
-maintain, backup and store their content.
-The dial measuring "cloud apps" and "old-fashioned apps" needs to be specific to
-### Real-time collaboration is optional
-If I were the one making the list of ideals, I wouldn't focus so much on
-real-time collaboration.
-Even though seamless collaboration is desired, it being real-time depends on the
-network being available for that. But ideal 3 states that
-"The Network is Optional", so real-time collaboration is also optional.
-The fundamentals of a local-first system should enable real-time collaboration
-when network is available, but shouldn't focus on it.
-On many places when discussing applications being offline, it is common for me
-to find people saying that their application works
-"even on a plane, subway or elevator". That is a reflection of when said
-developers have to deal with networks being unavailable.
-But this leaves out a big chunk of the world where internet connection is
-intermittent, or only works every other day or only once a week, or stops
-working when it rains, *etc*. For this audience, living without network
-connectivity isn't such a discrete moment in time, but part of every day life. I
-like the fact that the authors acknowledge that.
-When discussing "working offline", I'd rather keep this type of person in mind,
-then the subset of people who are offline when on the elevator will naturally be
-### On CRDTs and developer experience
-When discussing developer experience, the authors bring up some questions to be
-answered further, like:
-> For an app developer, how does the use of a CRDT-based data layer compare to
-> existing storage layers like a SQL database, a filesystem, or CoreData? Is a
-> distributed system harder to write software for?
-That is an easy one: yes.
-A distributed system *is* harder to write software for, being a distributed
-Adding a large layer of data structures and algorithms will make it more complex
-to write software for, naturally. And if trying to make this layer transparent
-to the programmer, so they can pretend that layer doesn't exist is a bad idea,
-as RPC frameworks have tried, and failed.
-See "[A Note on Distributed Computing][note-dist-comp]" for a critique on RPC
-frameworks trying to make the network invisible, which I think also applies in
-equivalence for making the CRDTs layer invisible.
-[rmi-wiki]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_remote_method_invocation
-[note-dist-comp]: https://web.archive.org/web/20130116163535/http://labs.oracle.com/techrep/1994/smli_tr-94-29.pdf
-## Conclusion
-I liked a lot the article, as it took the "offline-first" philosophy and ran
-with it.
-But I think the authors' view of adding CRDTs and things becoming local-first is
-a bit too magical.
-This particular area is one that I have large interest on, and I wish to see
-more being done on the "local-first" space.