path: root/music
diff options
authorEuAndreh <eu@euandre.org>2021-01-01 22:17:00 -0300
committerEuAndreh <eu@euandre.org>2021-01-01 22:22:30 -0300
commit8344825a7b4d006fb6a163d87636b589d8af25cc (patch)
tree2f9bd12b7bc64c661f6d2332bbf618dcfce584b4 /music
parentpost.html: Add trailing '/' to source tag (diff)
Add support for "Music"
Diffstat (limited to 'music')
3 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/music/choro-da-saudade.ly b/music/choro-da-saudade.ly
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..513239b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/choro-da-saudade.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+\version "2.20.0"
+\header {
+ title = "Choro da Saudade"
+ composer = "Agustín Barrios"
+ copyright = \markup {
+ \with-url #"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" \line {
+ CC BY-SA 4.0
+ }
+ }
+ tagline = \markup {
+ \with-url #"https://euandre.org/music.html" \line {
+ euandre.org/music.html
+ }
+ }
+globals = {
+ \clef "treble_8"
+ \key d \major
+ \time 2/4
+ \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
+ \tempo 4 = 100
+upper = \relative c {
+ \globals
+lower = \relative c {
+ \globals
+staff = \new Staff <<
+ \upper
+ \\
+ \lower
+\score {
+ \staff
+ \layout { }
+\score {
+ \unfoldRepeats \staff
+ \midi { }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/music/dengoso.ly b/music/dengoso.ly
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..158d05b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/dengoso.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+\version "2.20.0"
+\header {
+ title = "Dengoso"
+ composer = "João Pernambuco"
+ meter = "Andante moderato" % FIXME
+ copyright = \markup {
+ \with-url #"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" \line {
+ CC BY-SA 4.0
+ }
+ }
+ tagline = \markup {
+ \with-url #"https://euandre.org/music.html" \line {
+ euandre.org/music.html
+ }
+ }
+% \include "pestana.ly"
+% FIXME: turn into a function
+cWithSlash = \markup {
+ \fontsize #-2
+ \combine \roman C \translate #'(0.6 . -0.4) \draw-line #'(0 . 2.0)
+% str -> fret-number
+pestana =
+#(define-music-function (barre location str music) (string? ly:music?)
+ (let ((elts (extract-named-music music '(NoteEvent EventChord))))
+ (if (pair? elts)
+ (let ((first-element (first elts))
+ (last-element (last elts)))
+ (set! (ly:music-property first-element 'articulations)
+ (cons (make-music 'TextSpanEvent 'span-direction -1)
+ (ly:music-property first-element 'articulations)))
+ (set! (ly:music-property last-element 'articulations)
+ (cons (make-music 'TextSpanEvent 'span-direction 1)
+ (ly:music-property last-element 'articulations))))))
+ #{
+ \once \override TextSpanner.font-shape = #'upright
+ \once \override TextSpanner.style = #'line
+ \once \override TextSpanner.bound-details =
+ #`((right
+ (text . ,#{ \markup { \draw-line #'( 0 . -.5) } #})
+ (Y . 0))
+ (left
+ (text . ,#{ \markup { \cWithSlash \fontsize #-2 #str } #})
+ (Y . 0)
+ (attach-dir . -4)))
+ $music
+ #})
+globals = {
+ \clef "treble_8"
+ \key d \major
+ \time 2/4
+ \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
+ \tempo 4 = 100
+upper = \relative c {
+ \globals
+ r16 <d-0>8 <e-1>16 <fis-3> <e-1>8 <d-0>16 |
+ <a'-3>8. a16 <g-1>8. g16 |
+ <fis-3>8. fis16 <f-2>8. <e-1>16 |
+ r2 |
+ r16 d8 e16 fis e8 d16 |
+ a'8. a16 g8. g16 |
+ fis8. fis16 f8. e16 |
+ r2 |
+ <d'-2>8 \pestana #"II" { <fis,-3 a-1> fis' d16 } <e-0>~ |
+ e2 |
+ d8 \pestana #"II" { <fis, a> fis' d16 } e~ |
+ e2 |
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ \pestana #"V" {
+ a16 <a,-3 d-4>8 <a d>16 r16 <g'-4>8 <fis-3>16 |
+ a16 <g,-1 cis-2>8 <g cis>16 r16 <cis-2> <fis-4> <cis-2> |
+ }
+ <a-1 e'-0>16 <a d>8 <a cis>16^\markup { \cWithSlash \fontsize #-2 II } <a b>8 a |
+ <b-0>16 <cis,-3 g'-4>8 <cis g'>16 \pestana #"II" { cis'8 <g a> } |
+ <d'-2>16 <fis,-3 a-1>8 <fis a>16 <fis'-4>8 <a,-3 c-2> |
+ <e'-0>16 <a,-2 cis-3>8 <a cis>16 r16 <g-0> <cis-3> <e-0> |
+ <d gis d'>16 <d gis d'>8 <d gis d'>16 <d gis cis>8 <d gis b> |
+ <e'-4>16 <cis,-2 g'-3>8 <cis g'>16 <cis g' b>8 <cis-2 g'-3 a-1> |
+ % FIXME: map previous notes, removing fingering notation
+ \pestana #"V" {
+ a'16 <a, d>8 <a d>16 r16 <g'>8 <fis>16 |
+ a16 <g, cis>8 <g cis>16 r16 <cis> <fis> <cis> |
+ }
+ <a e'>16 <a d>8 <a cis>16^\markup { \cWithSlash \fontsize #-2 II } <a b>8 a |
+ <b>16 <cis, g'>8 <cis g'>16 \pestana #"II" { cis'8 <g a> } |
+ d'16 <fis, a>8 <fis a>16 dis'8 <fis, a> |
+ <e'-0>8 <b-3 d-2>16 <ais-2 cis-1> <g b e> <d'-2>( <b-0>) <g-0> |
+ <fis-3> <d'-2> <a-1> <fis-3> <e-1> <cis'-2> <g-0> <e-1>
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ { d, \pestana #"II" { a'' d fis g fis g gis } | }
+ { r4 <d fis d'>^\markup { \cWithSlash \fontsize #-2 VII } | }
+ }
+ \bar "||"
+lower = \relative c {
+ \globals
+ % FIXME: \6 to D
+ r2 |
+ r8 a r a |
+ r8 a r a |
+ r16 <a-0>8 <b-1>16 <cis-3> <b-1>8 <a-0>16 |
+ d16 r8. r4
+ r8 a r a |
+ r8 a r a |
+ r16 a8 b16 cis b8 a16 |
+ d,4. a''16 a,~ |
+ a a8 b16 cis b8 a16
+ d,4. a''16 a,~ |
+ a a8 b16 cis b8 a16 |
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ d,4 dis' |
+ <e-3> g, |
+ <fis'-3>16 fis8 fis16 fis8 fis |
+ e,4 cis' |
+ d, dis |
+ <e-1> <ais-1> |
+ e' e |
+ a, r4 |
+ d, <dis'-2> |
+ e g, |
+ fis'16 fis8 fis16 fis8 fis |
+ e,4 cis' |
+ d, fis |
+ <e-4>8 r8 r4 |
+ fis'8. fis16 e8. e16 |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ { d,2 | }
+ { d8 a' d4 | }
+ }
+staff = \new Staff <<
+ \upper
+ \\
+ \lower
+\score {
+ \staff
+ \layout { }
+\score {
+ \unfoldRepeats \staff
+ \midi { }
+% duas coisas:
+% marcação de cordas
+% compartilhar notas entre vozes \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/music/marcha-dos-marinheiros.ly b/music/marcha-dos-marinheiros.ly
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1de28d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/marcha-dos-marinheiros.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+\version "2.20.0"
+\header {
+ title = "Marcha dos Marinheiros"
+ composer = "Canhoto"
+ copyright = \markup {
+ \with-url #"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" \line {
+ CC BY-SA 4.0
+ }
+ }
+ tagline = \markup {
+ \with-url #"https://euandre.org/music.html" \line {
+ euandre.org/music.html
+ }
+ }
+globals = {
+ \clef "treble_8"
+ \key d \major
+ \time 2/4
+ \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
+ \tempo 4 = 100
+upper = \relative c {
+ \globals
+lower = \relative c {
+ \globals
+staff = \new Staff <<
+ \upper
+ \\
+ \lower
+\score {
+ \staff
+ \layout { }
+\score {
+ \unfoldRepeats \staff
+ \midi { }
+} \ No newline at end of file