path: root/_posts/2020-10-05-cargo2nix-dramatically-simpler-rust-in-nix.md
diff options
authorEuAndreh <eu@euandre.org>2020-10-05 21:27:57 -0300
committerEuAndreh <eu@euandre.org>2020-10-10 14:31:24 -0300
commita7c4db7e9215694ef6c50debcc0b4e7402265687 (patch)
treed45b89f1758b34416e5157cb0e7404276c6fa49a /_posts/2020-10-05-cargo2nix-dramatically-simpler-rust-in-nix.md
parentcargo2nix: Use overlay on example (diff)
Refactor i18n structure, remove layouts, add slides
Yep, this commit is too big big I didn't want to take the trouble of splitting it now. - _config.yml translation keys are now simetrical on the entitiy: articles, pastebins, tils, slides, etc.; - _posts were moved to _articles: the _posts collection had special treatment in Jekyll which I wanted to avoid; - the filtering of entries for the Atom feed is now done inside the _includes/feed.atom file instead of every feed file; - all entities are now dealt with using the pluralized name: articles, pastebins, tils, slides. No more inconsistencies on the key names, they now should only make sense as the translation value on the dictionary; - add base reveal.js infrastruture, with Jekyll generating the listing page and nothing else.
Diffstat (limited to '_posts/2020-10-05-cargo2nix-dramatically-simpler-rust-in-nix.md')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/_posts/2020-10-05-cargo2nix-dramatically-simpler-rust-in-nix.md b/_posts/2020-10-05-cargo2nix-dramatically-simpler-rust-in-nix.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d4a8d5..0000000
--- a/_posts/2020-10-05-cargo2nix-dramatically-simpler-rust-in-nix.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-title: "cargo2nix: Dramatically simpler Rust inside Nix"
-date: 2020-10-05
-layout: post
-lang: en
-ref: cargo2nix-dramatically-simpler-rust-in-nix
-In the same vein of my earlier post on
-[swift2nix]({% post_url 2020-10-05-swift2nix-run-swift-inside-nix-builds %}), I
-was able to quickly prototype a Rust and Cargo variation of it:
-The initial prototype is even smaller than swift2nix: it has only
-[37 lines of code][37-lines].
-[cargo2nix]: https://git.euandreh.xyz/cargo2nix/about/
-[37-lines]: https://git.euandreh.xyz/cargo2nix/tree/default.nix?id=472dde8898296c8b6cffcbd10b3b2c3ba195846d
-Here's how to use it (snippet taken from the repo's README):
- niv-sources = import ./nix/sources.nix;
- mozilla-overlay = import niv-sources.nixpkgs-mozilla;
- pkgs = import niv-sources.nixpkgs { overlays = [ mozilla-overlay ]; };
- src = pkgs.nix-gitignore.gitignoreSource [ ] ./.;
- cargo2nix = pkgs.callPackage niv-sources.cargo2nix {
- lockfile = ./Cargo.lock;
- };
-in pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
- inherit src;
- name = "cargo-test";
- buildInputs = [ pkgs.latest.rustChannels.nightly.rust ];
- phases = [ "unpackPhase" "buildPhase" ];
- buildPhase = ''
- # Setup dependencies path to satisfy Cargo
- mkdir .cargo/
- ln -s ${cargo2nix.env.cargo-config} .cargo/config
- ln -s ${cargo2nix.env.vendor} vendor
- # Run the tests
- cargo test
- touch $out
- '';
-That `cargo test` part on line 20 is what I have been fighting with every
-"\*2nix" available for Rust out there. I don't want to bash any of them. All I
-want is to have full control of what Cargo commands to run, and the "*2nix" tool
-should only setup the environment for me. Let me drive Cargo myself, no need to
-parameterize how the tool runs it for me, or even replicate its internal
-behaviour by calling the Rust compiler directly.
-Sure it doesn't support private registries or Git dependencies, but how much
-bigger does it has to be to support them? Also, it doesn't support those **yet**,
-there's no reason it can't be extended. I just haven't needed it yet, so I
-haven't added. Patches welcome.
-The layout of the `vendor/` directory is more explicit and public then what
-swift2nix does: it is whatever the command `cargo vendor` returns. However I
-haven't checked if the shape of the `.cargo-checksum.json` is specified, or
-internal to Cargo.
-Try out the demo (also taken from the repo's README):
-pushd "$(mktemp -d)"
-git clone https://git.euandreh.xyz/cargo2nix-demo
-cd cargo2nix-demo/
-Report back if you wish. Again, patches welcome.