path: root/_plugins
diff options
authorEuAndreh <eu@euandre.org>2024-11-17 20:15:02 -0300
committerEuAndreh <eu@euandre.org>2024-11-17 20:18:21 -0300
commitcfd0246b241cb6e58153e68f7e30ed56b9bf054b (patch)
tree206deba2cec12187e835c64b8a7172277be1a2cf /_plugins
parentrm tests/assert-frontmatter.sh (diff)
Remove jekyll infrastructure setup
Diffstat (limited to '_plugins')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 509 deletions
diff --git a/_plugins/add-anchor-to-code-block-line-numbers.rb b/_plugins/add-anchor-to-code-block-line-numbers.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ec6f0a8..0000000
--- a/_plugins/add-anchor-to-code-block-line-numbers.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-PREFIX = '<pre class="lineno">'
-POSTFIX = '</pre>'
-Jekyll::Hooks.register [:documents, :pages], :post_render do |doc|
- if doc.output_ext == ".html" && doc.type != :slides
- code_block_counter = 1
- doc.output = doc.output.gsub(/<pre class="lineno">[\n0-9]+<\/pre>/) do |match|
- line_numbers = match
- .gsub(/<pre class="lineno">([\n0-9]+)<\/pre>/, '\1')
- .split("\n")
- anchored_line_numbers_array = line_numbers.map do |n|
- id = "B#{code_block_counter}-L#{n}"
- "<a class=\"code-line-anchor\" id=\"#{id}\" href=\"##{id}\">#{n}</a>"
- end
- code_block_counter += 1
- PREFIX + anchored_line_numbers_array.join("\n") + POSTFIX
- end
- end
diff --git a/_plugins/add-anchor-to-header-from-header-id.rb b/_plugins/add-anchor-to-header-from-header-id.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7138262..0000000
--- a/_plugins/add-anchor-to-header-from-header-id.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Jekyll::Hooks.register [:documents, :pages], :post_render do |doc|
- if doc.output_ext == ".html" && doc.type != :slides
- lang = doc.data["lang"]
- alt = doc.site.site_payload["site"]["t"]["alt"]["link_icon"][lang]
- doc.output =
- doc.output.gsub(
- /<h([1-6])(.*?)id="([\w-]+)"(.*?)>(.*?)<\/h[1-6]>/,
- '<div class="header-anchor"><h\1\2id="\3"\4>\5</h\1><a href="#\3"><img class="simple-icon" src="/static/link.svg" aria-hidden="true" alt="' + alt + '" /></a></div>'
- )
- end
diff --git a/_plugins/add-link-to-plaintext-code-block.rb b/_plugins/add-link-to-plaintext-code-block.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 34b4ce7..0000000
--- a/_plugins/add-link-to-plaintext-code-block.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Jekyll::Hooks.register :documents, :post_render do |doc|
- if doc.output_ext == ".html" && doc.type != :slides
- code_block_counter = 0
- doc.output = doc.output.gsub(/(<\/code><\/pre><\/div><\/div>)/) do |match|
- res = match +
- '<div class="plaintext-link"><a href="' +
- "#{doc.url}.#{code_block_counter}.txt" +
- '">plaintext</a></div>'
- code_block_counter += 1
- res
- end
- end
diff --git a/_plugins/generate-feeds-for-categories.rb b/_plugins/generate-feeds-for-categories.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 870f86f..0000000
--- a/_plugins/generate-feeds-for-categories.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-module Jekyll
- class FeedsGenerator < Generator
- safe true
- def gen_categories_index(site)
- categories_index = {}
- site.collections.each do |collection|
- collection_name, collection_documents = collection
- collection_documents.docs.each do |document|
- lang = document.data["lang"]
- categories = document.data["eu_categories"]
- if categories != nil
- categories.split(",").each do |category|
- categories_index[collection_name] ||= {}
- categories_index[collection_name][lang] ||= {}
- categories_index[collection_name][lang][category] ||= []
- categories_index[collection_name][lang][category] << document
- end
- end
- end
- end
- categories_index
- end
- def feeds_by_category(site)
- feed_pages = []
- gen_categories_index(site).each do |collection_name, langs|
- langs.each do |lang, categories|
- categories.each do |category_name, articles|
- category = category_name.gsub(/ /, '-')
- feed_name = "feed.#{collection_name}-by-category.#{lang}.#{category}.atom"
- page = PageWithoutAFile.new(site, site.source, "", feed_name)
- page.content = <<-EOF
-{% include feed.atom entries=site.#{collection_name} kind="#{collection_name}" lang="#{lang}" categories_filter="#{category_name}" %}
- feed_pages << page
- end
- end
- end
- feed_pages
- end
- def global_feeds(site)
- feed_pages = []
- langs = site.config['langs']
- collections = site.config['collections'].keys
- langs.each do |lang|
- collections.each do |collection|
- feed_name = "feed.#{collection}.#{lang}.atom"
- page = PageWithoutAFile.new(site, site.source, "", feed_name)
- page.content = <<-EOF
-{% include feed.atom entries=site.#{collection} kind="#{collection}" lang="#{lang}" %}
- feed_pages << page
- end
- end
- feed_pages
- end
- def generate(site)
- site.pages.concat(feeds_by_category(site))
- site.pages.concat(global_feeds(site))
- end
- end
- class PageWithoutAFile < Jekyll::Page
- def read_yaml(*)
- @data ||= {
- "generated" => true
- }
- end
- end
diff --git a/_plugins/generate-media-permalink.rb b/_plugins/generate-media-permalink.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ae635bd..0000000
--- a/_plugins/generate-media-permalink.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-module Jekyll
- class MediaPermalinkGenerator < Generator
- safe true
- 'podcasts' => 'ogg',
- 'screencasts' => 'webm'
- }
- def generate(site)
- site.collections.each do |name, collection|
- if ['podcasts', 'screencasts'].include? name then
- collection.docs.each do |document|
- date = document.data['date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
- slug = document.data['slug']
- extension = MEDIA_EXTENSION[name]
- file = "#{date}-#{slug}.#{extension}"
- media = "resources/#{name}/#{file}"
- torrent = "#{media}.torrent"
- media_link = document.url.gsub(/html$/, extension)
- torrent_link = "#{media_link}.torrent"
- media_page = GeneratedSymlinkResourcePage.new(site, site.source, '', media_link)
- torrent_page = GeneratedSymlinkResourcePage.new(site, site.source, '', torrent_link)
- media_page.data['source'] = media
- media_page.data['slug'] = slug
- media_page.data['extension'] = extension
- torrent_page.data['source'] = torrent
- torrent_page.data['slug'] = slug
- torrent_page.data['extension'] = "#{extension}.torrent"
- site.pages << media_page
- site.pages << torrent_page
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class GeneratedSymlinkResourcePage < Jekyll::Page
- def read_yaml(*)
- @data ||= {
- "generated" => true
- }
- end
- def write(dest)
- source = @data['source']
- slug = @data['slug']
- extension = @data['extension']
- path = destination(dest)
- path_dirname = File.dirname(path)
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(path_dirname)
- stdout = `ln -fs ../../../../#{source} #{path_dirname}/#{slug}.#{extension}`
- unless $?.success? then
- raise "Error when running 'ln' command: #{$?}"
- end
- unless stdout == '' then
- raise "Unexpected output of 'ln': #{stdout}"
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/_plugins/generate-pastebin-plaintext-alternate.rb b/_plugins/generate-pastebin-plaintext-alternate.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e4e798e..0000000
--- a/_plugins/generate-pastebin-plaintext-alternate.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-require 'cgi'
-CODE_BLOCK = /<td class="rouge-code"><pre>(.*?)<\/pre><\/td>/m
-module Jekyll
- class PlainTextGenerator < Generator
- safe true
- def generate(site)
- site.collections.each do |collection|
- collection_name, collection_documents = collection
- if collection_name != "slides"
- collection_documents.docs.each do |document|
- n = 0
- Renderer
- .new(site, document) # create a renderer for the document
- .run # generate the HTML string
- .scan(CODE_BLOCK) # match all occurrences of regexp
- .each do |code_block| # iterate on each match
- unhighlighted_code = code_block[0] # regexp only defines 1 match (only 1 parens)
- .gsub(/<span class=".*?">(.*?)<\/span>/m, '\1')
- content = CGI.unescapeHTML unhighlighted_code
- name = "#{document.url}.#{n}.txt"
- plain = PlaintextPageWithoutAFile.new(site, site.source, '', name)
- plain.content = content
- site.pages << plain
- n += 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # Taken from:
- # https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-feed/blob/c552b8ef7bd7a4babcfb5aec2b22283a5bc354dd/lib/jekyll-feed/page-without-a-file.rb#L4
- class PlaintextPageWithoutAFile < Jekyll::Page
- def read_yaml(*)
- @data ||= {
- "plaintext" => true,
- "generated" => true
- }
- end
- end
diff --git a/_plugins/graphviz-block.rb b/_plugins/graphviz-block.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a2e32bf..0000000
--- a/_plugins/graphviz-block.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-require 'tempfile'
-require 'digest'
-OUTPUT_DIR = '/static/graphviz'
-module Jekyll
- class GraphvizBlock < Liquid::Block
- def initialize(tag_name, options, tokens)
- super
- opts_list = options.split('|').map { |s| s.strip }
- @name = opts_list[0]
- @alt = opts_list[1]
- end
- def render(context)
- source = super
- site = context.registers[:site]
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(site.source, OUTPUT_DIR))
- filename = "#{@name}-#{Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(source + @alt)}.svg"
- site_path = File.join(OUTPUT_DIR, filename)
- os_path = File.join(site.source, site_path)
- f = Tempfile.new('graphviz-input')
- f.write(source)
- f.close
- `dot -Tsvg #{f.path} > #{os_path}`
- f.unlink
- site.static_files << Jekyll::StaticFile.new(site, site.source, OUTPUT_DIR, filename)
- "<img src=\"#{site_path}\" alt=\"#{@alt}\" />"
- end
- end
-Liquid::Template.register_tag('graphviz', Jekyll::GraphvizBlock)
diff --git a/_plugins/has-category-filter.rb b/_plugins/has-category-filter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fee9b0d..0000000
--- a/_plugins/has-category-filter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module Jekyll
- module CategoryFilter
- def has_category(input, category)
- if category
- input.select { |entry| entry.data["eu_categories"]&.split(',')&.include? category }
- else
- input
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/_plugins/linter.rb b/_plugins/linter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index af81790..0000000
--- a/_plugins/linter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-require 'set'
-IGNORED_PAGES = Set['sitemap.xml']
-LANGS = Set['en', 'pt', 'fr', 'eo'] # jp zh es de
-module Jekyll
- class Linter < Generator
- safe true
- priority :high
- def insert_id(name, document)
- lang = document.data['lang']
- ref = document.data['ref']
- id = "#{name}:#{lang}:#{ref}"
- if @known_ids.include? id then
- # raise "Duplicate ID found: '#{id}'"
- else
- @known_ids.add id
- end
- end
- def assert_unique_ids(site)
- @known_ids = Set[]
- all_documents(site) do |collection_name, document|
- insert_id collection_name, document
- end
- end
- def slugify(s)
- s.ljust(100)
- .gsub(/[()']/, '')
- .gsub(/[\W]+/, ' ')
- .strip
- .gsub(/\s\s+/, '-')
- .downcase
- .gsub(' ', '-')
- .gsub('_', '-')
- end
- def assert(value, message)
- unless value
- raise message
- end
- value
- end
- def assert_field(document, field)
- f = document.data[field]
- raise "Undefined '#{field}' for #{document.path}" unless f
- f
- end
- 'page' => 'default',
- 'slides' => 'slides',
- 'articles' => 'post',
- 'pastebins' => 'post',
- 'tils' => 'post',
- 'podcasts' => 'post',
- 'screencasts' => 'post'
- }
- def assert_frontmatter_fields(name, document)
- title = assert_field document, 'title'
- lang = assert_field document, 'lang'
- ref = assert_field document, 'ref'
- layout = assert_field document, 'layout'
- date = document.date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') unless layout == 'default'
- slug = layout == 'default' ? ref : assert_field(document, 'slug')
- extension = name == 'slides' ? 'slides' : 'md'
- unless LANGS.member? lang
- raise "Invalid lang '#{lang}' in #{document.path}"
- end
- if COLLECTION_LAYOUTS[name] != layout
- raise "Layout mismatch: expected '#{COLLECTION_LAYOUTS[name]}', got '#{layout}' for #{document.path}"
- end
- if lang == 'en'
- unless ['index', 'root', 'tils'].include? ref
- if slugify(title) != ref then
- raise "#{ref} isn't a slug of the title.\nref: '#{ref}'\ntitle slug: '#{slugify(title)}'"
- end
- end
- end
- unless layout == 'default' then
- path = "_#{name}/#{date}-#{slug}.#{extension}"
- unless path == document.relative_path then
- raise "date/filename mismatch:\ndate+slug: #{path}\nfilename: #{document.relative_path}"
- end
- if lang == 'en' then
- unless ref == slug then
- # raise "ref/slug mismatch:\nref: #{ref}\nslug: #{slug}"
- end
- end
- end
- if name == 'podcasts' then
- flac = "resources/podcasts/#{date}-#{slug}.flac"
- unless File.exist? flac then
- raise "Missing FLAC file '#{flac}'"
- end
- end
- if name == 'screencasts' then
- webm = "resources/screencasts/#{date}-#{slug}.webm"
- unless File.exist? webm then
- raise "Missing WebM file '#{webm}'"
- end
- end
- end
- def assert_frontmatter(site)
- all_documents(site) do |collection_name, document|
- assert_frontmatter_fields collection_name, document
- end
- end
- 'podcasts' => 'flac',
- 'screencasts' => 'webm'
- }
- def assert_media_metadata(site)
- site.collections.each do |name, collection|
- if ['podcasts', 'screencasts'].include? name then
- collection.docs.each do |document|
- date = document.data['date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
- slug = document.data['slug']
- ext = MEDIA_EXTENSION[name]
- file = "resources/#{name}/#{date}-#{slug}.#{ext}"
- feed_name = site.config['t'][name]['feed']['title'][document.data['lang']]
- if name == 'podcasts'
- stdout = `metaflac --export-tags-to=- #{file}`.strip.split("\n")
- expected = [
- "COMMENTS=#{site.config['url']}/#{file}",
- 'ARTIST=EuAndreh',
- "DATE=#{date}",
- "TITLE=#{document.data['title']}",
- "ALBUM=#{feed_name}"
- ]
- expected.each do |metadata|
- unless stdout.include? metadata
- tags = expected.join("\n").gsub(/'/, "'\"'\"'")
- add_metadata_cmd = "metaflac --remove-all-tags #{file}\nprintf '#{tags}\n' | metaflac --import-tags-from=- #{file}"
- check_metadata_cmd = "metaflac --export-tags-to=- #{file}"
- raise "Missing metadata entry '#{metadata}' in '#{file}'.\nAdd it with:\n\n" + add_metadata_cmd + "\n\nCheck with:\n #{check_metadata_cmd}"
- end
- end
- check_cover_cmd = "metaflac #{file} --export-picture-to=- | diff - static/lord-favicon.png"
- `#{check_cover_cmd}`
- unless $?.success? then
- add_cover_cmd = "metaflac --remove-all #{file}\nmetaflac #{file} --import-picture-from=static/lord-favicon.png"
- raise "Cover art from '#{file}' doesn't match 'static/lord-favicon.png'.\nFix it with:\n\n#{add_cover_cmd}\n\nCheck with:\n #{check_cover_cmd}"
- end
- elsif name == 'screencasts' then
- stdout = `mediainfo #{file} | awk -F: '/^Movie name/ { print $2 }'`.strip
- expected = document.data['title'] + ' - ' + feed_name
- unless stdout == expected then
- escaped_title = expected.gsub(/'/, "'\"'\"'")
- add_metadata_cmd = "mkvpropedit '#{file}' -e info -s title='#{escaped_title}'"
- check_metadata_cmd = "mediainfo '#{file}' | grep 'Movie name'"
- raise "Missing metadata entry 'title' in '#{file}'.\nAdd it with:\n\n#{add_metadata_cmd}\n\nCheck with:\n #{check_metadata_cmd}"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def assert_lilypond(site)
- site.config['musics'].each do |music|
- assert music['title'], "Missing 'title' in #{music}"
- assert music['composer'], "Missing 'composer' in #{music}"
- ref = assert music['ref'], "Missing 'ref' in #{music}"
- ly = "music/#{ref}.ly"
- unless File.exist? ly then
- raise "Missing '#{ly}' file present in _config.yml."
- end
- unless open(ly) { |f| f.include? "\\pointAndClickOff\n" } then
- raise "Missing '\\pointAndClickOff' in '#{ly}'"
- end
- unless open(ly) { |f| f.include? "#(ly:set-option 'embed-source-code #t)\n" } then
- raise "Missing '#(ly:set-option 'embed-source-code #t)' in '#{ly}'"
- end
- end
- end
- def generate(site)
- assert_unique_ids(site)
- assert_frontmatter(site)
- assert_media_metadata(site)
- assert_lilypond(site)
- end
- def all_documents(site)
- site.collections.each do |name, collection|
- collection.docs.each do |document|
- unless document.data['generated']
- yield name, document
- end
- end
- end
- site.pages.each do |page|
- unless IGNORED_PAGES.include? page.path
- unless page.data['generated']
- yield 'page', page
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/_plugins/noop-converter.rb b/_plugins/noop-converter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 118d103..0000000
--- a/_plugins/noop-converter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-module Jekyll
- class NoOpConverter < Converter
- safe true
- priority :high
- def matches(ext)
- ext == '.slides'
- end
- def output_ext(ext)
- ".html"
- end
- def convert(content)
- content
- end
- end