path: root/_slides/2020-10-10-rollout-feature-flag-experiment-operational-toggle.slides
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title: Rollout, feature flag, experiment, operational toggle
date: 2020-10-10
layout: slides
lang: en
ref: rollout-feature-flag-experiment-operational-toggle
published: false

# Rollout, feature flag, experiment, operational toggle
Different use cases for **backend**, **frontend** and **mobile**


"Feature flags" tend to come up when talking about **continuous deployment**


I'm using "quotes" because I'm mixing up different meanings of "rollout"


# CI
continuous integration

# CD
continuous delivery

# CD
**continuous deployment**


Background: build vocabulary, why are feature flags related to CD

CI solves: manual integration of long-lived branches

CD solves: automation of deployment process

CD solves: releases as frequent as possible

That's where the "GoCD" name comes from


# Types:
1. rollout
2. feature flag
3. experiment
4. operational toggle


# rollout
## For *rolling out* a new version of software

**Short-lived** using **percentages**

- a [new deployment of k8s][k8s]
- new [APK released to the Play Store][apk]

[k8s]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/#creating-a-deployment
[apk]: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/6346149?hl=en


Relevant as long as the new code is deployed


# feature flag
## For turning a feature *on* or *off*

**Medium-lived** using **allow list**, **A/B test**, **percentage**,
**app version**, *etc*.

- `:new-chargeback-flow`
- `:new-debit-card-activation-screen`


Relevant as long as the new code is being developed


# experiment
## For analyzing behaviour

**Medium-lived** using **allow list** and **A/B test**

- `:debit-withdrawal-test`


# operational toggle
## For disabling features in `#crash`-like situations

**Long-lived** using **percentage**

- `:bank-barcode-payment`
- `:savings-bank-barcode-query-provider`


Lives for as long as the code is in production.


We now know about the types

## But they have different relevance for **backend**, **frontend** and **mobile**


# backend

1. **rollout**: k8s, blue/green, canary pipeline and `common-rollout`
2. **feature flag**: `common-rollout` and datasets
3. **operational toggle**: `common-rollout`
4. **experiment**: `common-xp`


rollout: k8s, common-rollout

This is a bit why common-rollout isn't called *common-feature-flag*: it was
initially designed with backend usage of *rollouts* in mind.

feature flag:


# frontend

1. **rollout**: CDN and page refreshes
2. **feature flag**: percentages and maybe IPs (no `:customer/id` on [www.nubank.com.br](www.nubank.com.br))
3. **operational toggle**: via dynamic backend control
4. **experiment**: via dynamic backend control


# mobile

1. **rollout**: app stores
2. **feature flag**: via dynamic backend control
3. **operational toggle**: via dynamic backend control
4. **experiment**: via dynamic backend control


Key differentiator is
## How much **control** we have over the **environment**


## **backend**

# Full control


Can edit, update and even delete rollouts as desired.

Mix and match at will!


## **frontend**

# Partial control

When choose when to make a new version available


We can control when a new version is available, partially when someone will
upgrade it.

But it is easy to fallback to "reload the page and try again".


## **mobile**

# Very limited control

- app stores can restrict updates (worse for iOS)
- customers still have to download new versions


# Costs

- more complex code
- nested flags combine exponentially


# Benefits

- dynamically choose code paths for each customer


# Best practices


## Dynamic content > feature flag

Always true for **mobile**, almost always for **frontend**


## Use `:include-list` for named groups

Always true for **backend**, **frontend** and **mobile**

{% raw %}
```clojure [2-3]
 #{{:type    :include-list
    :content {:filename "debit-team-members.txt"}}}}
{% endraw %}


## Always use `:app-version`

only for **mobile**

{% raw %}
```clojure [2]
 #{{:type    :app-version
    :content {:min-version #{{:platform :android
                              :code     1000000}
                             {:platform :ios
                              :code     2000000}}}}}}
{% endraw %}


## Extend `common-rollout` if required

That's how `:include-list`, `:app-version`, *etc.* were born


## Beware of many nested feature flags

True for **backend**, **frontend** and **mobile**


Exponential growth of combinations


## Don't delete app-facing feature flags

True for **mobile**


This could break old app versions, only do this intentionally

We don't have (yet) a strategy for dealing with LTS of the app, and we just say:
"we'll support every app version out there".


## Include a feature flag on the whiteboarding phase


## Include deleting/retiring the feature flag at the end


## Avoid renaming a feature flag

Use `:app-version` with `:min-version` instead


# And most importantly...


# ***Always*** rely on a feature flag on the app

Hotfixes and expedited releases is a thing of the past


The app is where we have less control, so the feature flag is how we get some of
that control back.

This doesn't mean you'll need 1 feature flag per PR

There's not such thing as:
"This is such a small thing, it doesn't need a feature flag"

You should ask yourself:
"It this crashes the app, am I OK with waiting for the next release train?"


## Thank you!


1. these slides: https://euandre.org/slides.html
2. [prose version of this presentation]({% link _articles/2020-10-10-feature-flags-differences-between-backend-frontent-and-mobile.md %})
3. ["Feature Toggles (aka Feature Flags)"](https://martinfowler.com/articles/feature-toggles.html),
 by Pete Hodgson
4. [Continuous integration vs. continuous delivery vs. continuous deployment](https://www.atlassian.com/continuous-delivery/principles/continuous-integration-vs-delivery-vs-deployment),
 by Sten Pittet
5. [Accelerate](https://itrevolution.com/book/accelerate/),
 by N. Forsgren, J. Humble and G. Kim