path: root/TODOs.md
blob: ae57dc77e575ec2d2d8b478b2444a87646cc2135 (plain) (tree)

# Tasks

## [TODO]{.todo .TODO} Move to LilyPond 2.22.0 {#34d239aa-8984-4b34-9c6e-1cc2ca8d49fc}

-   State \"TODO\" from \[2021-01-12 mar. 17:44\]

## [DONE]{.done .DONE} `dengoso.ly` \[9/10\] {#95ac1eec-1a56-47cb-b7ad-8cadf5737323}

-   State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" \[2021-01-03 dim. 12:46\]

-   State \"TODO\" from \[2021-01-01 ven. 22:23\]

-   \[X\] use \"\<quarter\> = 100\" over \"Andante moderato for `meter`

-   \[X\] turn `cWithSlash` into a function

-   \[X\] move `pestana=` into shared `pestana.ly`

-   \[X\] ~~use fret-number over roman string on `\pestana #"II" { }`~~

-   \[X\] `\6 to D` on beginning of the song

-   \[X\] share notes between voices

-   \[X\] add string markers

-   \[X\] pestana over rests (measure 42)

-   \[X\] handle optional sharp on measure 77

## [TODO]{.todo .TODO} `choro-da-saudade.ly` \[0/2\] {#04afbdc0-4e2c-4176-b7c3-0c04087c09a8}

-   State \"TODO\" from \[2021-01-03 dim. 15:34\]

-   \[ \] Make `D.S. al Coda` appear in MIDI

    ``` {.lilypond}
    \bar ".."^\markup { D.S. al Coda }
    \once \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(0 . -3)
    <>^\markup { D.S. al Coda }
    \repeat unfold 3 {
      \bar ""

## [TODO]{.todo .TODO} `marcha-dos-marinheiros.ly` \[/\] {#bbc19f19-ca4f-4cbf-bc4d-e119ad06deef}

-   State \"TODO\" from \[2021-01-03 dim. 19:26\]

## [DONE]{.done .DONE} Embed LilyPond source code in PDF and audio {#340da973-622c-45d6-8d3c-7db839586517}

-   State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" \[2021-01-03 dim. 21:49\]\
    Done in {{{commit(bff2b07922272fd4c8f9ee0a7129d0a7c134dd38)}}}.
-   State \"TODO\" from \[2021-01-03 dim. 12:46\]

Use the `embed-source-code` options:

``` {.example}
#(ly:set-option 'embed-source-code #t)

## [TODO]{.todo .TODO} Add torrent for audio in `music-listing.html` {#aa314475-6a19-48fe-a752-7c479ad26be2}

-   State \"TODO\" from \[2021-01-03 dim. 12:46\]

Torrent for PDF, too?

## [TODO]{.todo .TODO} Investigate the ICE STUN/TURN servers used by WebTorrent {#c7e75b41-d86e-423b-b4a1-7d193c3a6ef1}

-   State \"TODO\" from \[2021-01-07 jeu. 13:36\]

Depending on the provider, maybe host my own, like

## [DONE]{.done .DONE} Generate `favicon.ico` from `favicon.svg` {#720e79b4-9e38-41c6-9958-cdadd67d2298}

-   State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" \[2021-01-03 dim. 21:33\]\
    Done in {{{commit(433428cf6b4ef8a653f349e0a0d1fa0d10aab1e7)}}}.
-   State \"TODO\" from \[2021-01-01 ven. 22:38\]

## [DONE]{.done .DONE} Move `assert-content.sh` to Ruby {#a7b6b371-100c-48f4-a448-bfa39f88efce}

-   State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" \[2020-12-24 jeu. 18:47\]
-   State \"TODO\" from \[2020-12-23 mer. 01:30\]

Asserts will be faster since things will be already in memory.

Should the generator for the torrents put the torrent files in the
source tree? Are torrents source files or build artifacts?

## [DONE]{.done .DONE} Add page to listen an watch files with WebTorrent {#e5d2be9d-6471-40ba-a2d3-c7bc482bfaba}

-   State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" \[2020-12-24 jeu. 14:10\]
-   State \"TODO\" from \[2020-12-23 mer. 02:25\]

## [DONE]{.done .DONE} Add \"web\" Git Annex remote support {#c41d11b0-4235-4e8c-8e2b-bbbec7ee5c0b}

-   State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" \[2020-12-27 dim. 22:04\]\
    Done in {{{commit(56da1a73ac0c211fbb14447b9175660d6757e795)}}}.
-   State \"TODO\" from \[2020-12-23 mer. 02:26\]

## [DONE]{.done .DONE} Use SVG favicon {#29f1bded-3a56-410b-933d-e6a11f47656a}

-   State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" \[2020-12-27 dim. 14:00\]\
    Link (with `<link />` tag) to SVG favicon inside of `<head>` isntead
    of converting from SVG to ICO.
-   State \"TODO\" from \[2020-12-24 jeu. 10:36\]

Taken from <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25520655>:

``` {.shell}
$ inkscape -o icon-48x48.png -w 48 -h 48 icon.svg
$ convert icon-48x48.png favicon.ico

## [DONE]{.done .DONE} Create screencasts collection {#fb8e4ad8-7c8b-4b62-a4f2-5f16f84ec7e6}

-   State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" \[2020-12-24 jeu. 14:13\]
-   State \"TODO\" from \[2020-12-24 jeu. 10:37\]

## [DONE]{.done .DONE} Add webtorrent-hybrid daemon {#1a2f5619-5d55-449f-a401-8c87afd5bea9}

-   State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" \[2020-12-28 lun. 22:59\]\
    Instead of a daemon, added \~/archive/torrent/ as a watch directory
    to Transmission. It doesn\'t work with WebRTC (yet), so Transmission
    will only upload to other TCP nodes.
-   State \"TODO\" from \[2020-12-24 jeu. 10:38\]

## [DONE]{.done .DONE} Simplify `link-listing.html` by not requiring `entries` {#28dd5b16-1e32-42d4-960e-27a8725fe0b9}

-   State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" \[2020-12-24 jeu. 14:25\]
-   State \"TODO\" from \[2020-12-24 jeu. 11:09\]

## [DONE]{.done .DONE} Use `.mkv` over `.webm` for embedding subtitles {#6587304c-ee0d-4f40-b046-48de94d00629}

-   State \"DONE\" from \"CANCELLED\" \[2020-12-28 lun. 12:43\]\
    I didn\'t find the issues with web browsers easier to deal with
    using WebM files. I\'ll keep MKV and investigate further later.

    See also {{{bug(9d75fe3a-b7e5-4cc5-9300-1054c7e981c0)}}}.

-   State \"CANCELLED\" from \"DONE\" \[2020-12-28 lun. 11:01\]\
    WebM is more web friendly than MKV. Right now there is no support
    for subtitles, only translated screencasts.

-   State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" \[2020-12-24 jeu. 18:49\]

-   State \"TODO\" from \[2020-12-24 jeu. 13:15\]

## [DONE]{.done .DONE} Make media path the same as the show notes path {#7535169e-715e-409b-88c3-78c4bb482d95}

-   State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" \[2020-12-28 lun. 16:18\]\
    Done in {{{commit(4d7a8207ee0931a157904cc58255d1950fa46178)}}}.
-   State \"TODO\" from \[2020-12-27 dim. 21:33\]

## [DONE]{.done .DONE} Assert media files have metadata {#8d8a9202-97d4-4c43-b042-15fd5c95da65}

-   State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" \[2020-12-28 lun. 14:18\]\
    Audio done in
    {{{commit(e07ff2a1928be00bb7f7eb7fc82c8447a581c58f)}}}, and video
    done in {{{commit(9bd53de5a956c34f9ef41695e878bdd4b3df1697}}}.
-   State \"TODO\" from \[2020-12-27 dim. 22:58\]

## [DONE]{.done .DONE} Fix play of videos with WebTorrent {#9d75fe3a-b7e5-4cc5-9300-1054c7e981c0}

-   State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" \[2020-12-28 lun. 19:16\]\
    Done when moved to WebM. Firefox gives an error when loading the
    file directly, and a different error when loading with WebTorrent.
    I\'ll call this a Firefox error, since Chromium was able to play the
    video on both, since both the file creation and serving are pretty

    When loading the file directly, Firefox says with `console.warn()`:

        Media resource https://euandre.org/screencast/2020/12/24/sample-screencast.webm could not be decoded, error: Error Code: NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_DECODE_ERR (0x806e0004)
        Details: virtual mozilla::MediaResult mozilla::FFmpegVideoDecoder<46465650>::DoDecode(mozilla::MediaRawData*, uint8_t*, int, bool*, mozilla::MediaDataDecoder::DecodedData&): avcodec_send_packet error: -1

    When loading with WebTorrent, Firefox says with `console.error()`:

        Uncaught Error: XDR encoding failure

-   State \"TODO\" from \[2020-12-28 lun. 12:44\]

Ressurect the WebM file when experimenting with:

``` {.example}
$ git revert 2beab5441b4fcddc849cfc44b99547d49593691d

# Bugs

# Improvements

## [TODO]{.todo .TODO} `dengoso.ly` \[0/1\] {#fd989cc2-b638-4943-8109-b8e3cac0aae1}

-   State \"TODO\" from \[2021-01-03 dim. 12:44\]

-   \[ \] measures 21\~24: map previous notes, removing fingering
    notation instead of repeating notes

## [TODO]{.todo .TODO} Music sources {#610ed926-cc5e-418a-b046-27f4c4862d0d}

-   State \"TODO\" from \[2021-01-04 lun. 12:01\]

(public domain),
(public domain in 2030) and Garoto (public domain in 2026)

# Questions

## [DONE]{.done .DONE} Why insist on having `.ogg` files, but not the same for video? {#why-insist-on-having-.ogg-files-but-not-the-same-for-video}

-   State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" \[2020-12-24 jeu. 20:47\]
-   State \"TODO\" from \[2020-12-24 jeu. 13:19\]

Because of subtitle embedding.

# Resources

# Scratch

For bitmat images compression:

-   <https://github.com/hbldh/hitherdither>

generate pdf of slides 
generate opus for podcast 
podcast metadata: copy GNU World Order