# EuAndreh's package-repository Personal package repository for a variety of operating systems, mainly for packaging personal projects of mine and make it available for users and packagers. See the list of packages in [`packages.json`][packages.json]. [packages.json]: https://git.euandreh.xyz/package-repository/tree/packages.json ## How to add this to different OSes ### Guix Add this channel to your `~/.config/guix/channels.scm`: ```scheme (append (list (channel ...) (channel (name 'xyz-euandreh) (url "git://git.euandreh.xyz/package-repository") (branch "main") (introduction (make-channel-introduction "d749e053e6db365069cb9b2ef47a78b06f9e7361" (openpgp-fingerprint "5BDA E9B8 B2F6 C6BC BB0D 6CE5 81F9 0EC3 CD35 6060"))))) %default-channels) ``` See also the Guix manual for usage on channels: https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/guix.html#Channels ### NixOS Adding the overlay to your `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix`: ```nix nixpkgs = { overlays = [ (import (fetchTarball { url = "https://git.euandreh.xyz/package-repository/snapshot/package-repository-main.tar.gz"; }) { inherit pkgs; }) ]; }; ``` ## LICENSE Packaging code licensed under AGPLv3+.