--- title: EuAndreh::blog url: "https://euandre.org" author: name: EuAndreh email: eu@euandre.org markdown: kramdown # default markdown renderer for Jekyll kramdown: syntax_highlighter_opts: span: line_numbers: false block: line_numbers: true exclude: - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - gemset.nix - README - TODOs.org - LICENSE - default.nix - utils.nix - shell.nix - spelling/ - scripts/ - result collections: pastebins: output: true t: about: en: "About" pt: "Sobre" about_url: en: '/about.html' pt: '/sobre.html' home: en: "EuAndreh's blog" pt: "Blog do EuAndreh" home_url: en: '/' pt: '/pt/' recent_posts: en: 'Recent posts' pt: 'Postagens recentes' feed_title: en: "EuAndreh's Feed" pt: "Feed do EuAndreh" feed_url: en: '/feed.en.atom' pt: '/feed.pt.atom' date_format: en: '%B %-d, %Y' pt: '%-d de %B de %Y' posted_on: en: 'Posted on' pt: 'Postado em' updated_at: en: 'Updated at' pt: 'Atualizado em' alt: blog_feed: en: 'Blog feed' pt: 'Feed do blog' envelope_icon: en: 'Envelope icon' pt: 'Ícone de envelope' lock_icon: en: 'Lock icon' pt: 'Ícone de fechadura' footer: en: >- The content for this site is licensed under CC-BY-SA. The code is GPLv3 or later. pt: >- O conteúdo desse site é licensiado sob a licença CC-BY-SA. O código é GPLv3 ou versões maiores.