Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* src/bin/pb: Use file path over hard-coded $WEBSITE_DIREuAndreh2022-08-121-3/+1
* pastebin: Auto-add _pastebins/2022-07-14-git-cleanup-command.mdEuAndreh2022-07-141-0/+70
* src/development/md2html.pl: Setup initial Perl script using CommonMark moduleEuAndreh2022-06-041-0/+9
* Makefile: Fold $(favicons) variable into $(derived-assets)EuAndreh2022-06-041-3/+4
* TODOs.md: Add #td-5cab66be-9f82-4d25-de87-fc6392c3b26fEuAndreh2022-06-041-0/+3
* src/development/genhtml.sh: Derive $HTML variable from $MDEuAndreh2022-06-031-0/+1
* src/development/genhtml.sh: escape() _() strings by defaultEuAndreh2022-06-031-1/+1
* src/development/genhtml.sh: Use relative URL for Atom feedsEuAndreh2022-06-031-4/+4
* src/development/config.env: Mark as executableEuAndreh2022-06-031-0/+0
* aux/workflow/TODOs.sh: Emit HTML to STDOUT; amend MakefileEuAndreh2022-06-032-8/+3
* Makefile: Indent $(derived-assets) variableEuAndreh2022-06-031-2/+2
* src/bin/article: Remove script, it was not being used, and I intend to keep n...EuAndreh2022-06-021-143/+0
* src/bin/tmp: Move out of repository, into ~/.usr/bin•••Decouple it from this website, as it has nothing to do with it. EuAndreh2022-06-021-74/+0
* src/development/genhtml.sh: Use relative URLs by default, with BASE_URL=/EuAndreh2022-06-012-11/+15
* dynamic.mk: Re-generate HTML files when genhtml.sh changesEuAndreh2022-06-011-1/+5
* Makefile: Disable current testsEuAndreh2022-06-011-0/+2
* src/bin/pb: Fix typo in usage() textEuAndreh2022-06-011-1/+1
* TODOs.md: Add #td-330c7f45-2c2d-6066-b1a0-4357f7b09259EuAndreh2022-06-011-0/+12
* dynamic.mk: Add "default" rule•••Keep the "all" rule with its previous meaning, and only add this one to make it appear before the "include" line, so that it becomes the default target. Moving the "all" target there would make it depend on values that only appear after it, from the contents of the "generaated.mk" include line. This indirection allows for the "all" target to keep having those dynammic dependencies, but also to be invoked directly by the default target, "default". EuAndreh2022-06-011-0/+1
* Generate podcast artifacts in dynamic.mkEuAndreh2022-06-013-10/+26
* TODOs.md: Add #td-2de2f57c-0773-530f-f6cf-70836080f46fEuAndreh2022-06-011-0/+3
* src/development/dynmake.sh: Generate torrent only for primary .webm and .flac...EuAndreh2022-06-011-1/+0
* .gitignore: Ignore src/content/ during migrationEuAndreh2022-06-011-0/+3
* Makefile: Conditionally clean with dynamic.mk, only when generated.mk existsEuAndreh2022-06-011-3/+4
* Makefile: No need to rebuild public/ in "deploy" targetEuAndreh2022-06-011-2/+0
* Generate LilyPond files in dynamic.mkEuAndreh2022-06-018-49/+56
* Move files.mk and deps.mk into generated.mk•••Make torrent files dynamic instead of listed in Makefile. EuAndreh2022-06-013-49/+48
* src/development/frontmatter-env.sh: Use single quote for heredoc markerEuAndreh2022-06-011-2/+2
* Start building pastebins with dynamic.mkEuAndreh2022-06-016-16/+165
* TODOs.md: Add #td-c409cad6-6660-81d8-b7ad-a0d61329ef3cEuAndreh2022-06-011-0/+3
* src/bin/pb: Use 'e' over 'vipe'EuAndreh2022-06-011-1/+1
* src/bin/pb: Fix sed expressionEuAndreh2022-06-011-1/+1
* src/bin/pb: Update WEBSITE_DIR pathEuAndreh2022-06-011-1/+1
* git mv bin/ src/EuAndreh2022-06-013-0/+0
* bin/article: Normalize usage() and help() textEuAndreh2022-06-011-16/+23
* bin/pb: Allow input to contain "```" without prior escapingEuAndreh2022-06-011-1/+1
* src/development/dynmake.sh: Base tool to do dynamic Makefiles without proprie...EuAndreh2022-05-022-0/+74
* _config.yml: Exclude src/ for nowEuAndreh2022-05-021-0/+1
* src/development/JEKYLL_COMPAT/copy-content.sh: Copy files while Jekyll is sti...•••To enable gradual deveopment of Jekyll phase-out. EuAndreh2022-05-021-0/+18
* src/development/frontmatter-env.sh: Generate .env file from .md frontmatterEuAndreh2022-05-021-0/+91
* src/development/lib.sh: Add helper fileEuAndreh2022-05-021-0/+30
* aux/containers/guix/manifest.scm: Add md4cEuAndreh2022-05-021-0/+1
* git mv bin/post.sh bin/articleEuAndreh2022-05-021-0/+0
* aux/assert-shellcheck.sh: Use git-ls-files over findEuAndreh2022-05-021-2/+2
* bin/{tmp,pb}: ShellCheckEuAndreh2022-05-022-3/+5
* Makefile: Do not make "fqdn" target .SILENT by defaultEuAndreh2022-05-022-3/+1
* TODOs.md: Add #td-f1ee23c0-b10a-a044-8351-e3cef4cb9d8cEuAndreh2022-05-022-0/+5
* bin/pb: Refactor and simplify•••- stop depending on Perl in slugify(); - stop relying on GNU sed extensions on slugify(); - use optional flags over positional arguments; - use POSIX "date +%Y-%m-%d" over "date -I"; - always read from STDIN instead of deciding based on the input; - don't rely on GNU coreutils' `mktemp`; EuAndreh2022-05-021-81/+124
* Makefile: Add $(FQDN) variableEuAndreh2022-05-021-1/+7
* _plugins/linter.rb: Disable some assertionsEuAndreh2022-05-021-2/+2