path: root/v2/src/content
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
-rw-r--r--v2/src/content/favicon.icobin1150 -> 0 bytes
36 files changed, 0 insertions, 2427 deletions
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-Contact: mailto:eu@euandre.org
-Encryption: https://euandre.org/public.asc.txt
-Expires: 2024-07-15T00:00:00z
-Preferred-Languages: en, pt
diff --git a/v2/src/content/en/about.page b/v2/src/content/en/about.page
deleted file mode 100644
index aac3e67..0000000
--- a/v2/src/content/en/about.page
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-title: About
-It's all about me, baby!
diff --git a/v2/src/content/en/pastebin/guix-shebang.md b/v2/src/content/en/pastebin/guix-shebang.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5be9ada..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-title: Guix shebang
-date: 2020-02-14
-#!/usr/bin/env -S guix environment --ad-hoc bash -- bash
-set -Eeuo pipefail
-cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
diff --git a/v2/src/content/en/pastebin/raku-tuple-type-annotation.md b/v2/src/content/en/pastebin/raku-tuple-type-annotation.md
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-title: Raku tuple type annotation
-date: 2019-12-29
-categories: raku programming-languages
-# Single Str return value: this works
-sub f1(Str $in --> Str) {
- $in;
-# Tuple of Str as return value: this works
-sub f2(Str $in) {
- ($in, $in);
-# Tuple of Str as return value with type annotation: this doesn't works
-sub f2(Str $in --> (Str, Str)) {
- ($in, $in);
-Error log is:
-===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /path/to/my/file
-Malformed return value
diff --git a/v2/src/content/en/pastebin/sicp-exercise-3-19.md b/v2/src/content/en/pastebin/sicp-exercise-3-19.md
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-title: SICP exercise 3.19
-date: 2021-09-02
-categories: lisp programming-languages
-Some content here, before:
-(define (cycle? l)
- (define (rec l x)
- (cond
- ((null? x) false)
- ((eq? l x) true)
- (true (rec l (cdr x)))))
- (rec l (cdr l)))
-Sample interactive session:
-scheme@(guile-user)> (define true #t)
-scheme@(guile-user)> (define false #f)
-(define (cycle? l)
- (define (rec l x)
- (cond
- ((null? x) false)
- ((eq? l x) true)
- (true (rec l (cdr x)))))
- (rec l (cdr l)))
-scheme@(guile-user)> (cycle? '(1 2 3))
-$9 = #f
-scheme@(guile-user)> (cycle? (make-cycle '(1 2 3)))
-$10 = #t
-# An h1
-a list:
-1. one
-2. two
-3. three
-some content.
-- item
-- another
-- yet another
-## An h2
-xupliu 1
-Foi `wikiwiu`.
-a very long code block:
-wef wef wef wef
-wef wef wef wef we fwef wef wef wef wef
-Someone said:
-> Xablau, xupliu.
-### A repeated header
-### A repeated header
-a big list:
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
diff --git a/v2/src/content/en/remembering-ann.md b/v2/src/content/en/remembering-ann.md
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-title: ANN: remembering - Add memory to dmenu, fzf and similar tools
-date: 2021-01-26
-categories: ann
-Today I pushed v0.1.0 of [remembering][remembering], a tool to enhance the interactive usability of menu-like tools, such as [dmenu][dmenu] and [fzf][fzf].
-## Previous solution
-I previously used [yeganesh][yeganesh] fill this gap, but as I started to rely less on Emacs, I added fzf as my go-to tool for doing fuzzy searching on the terminal.
-But I didn't like that fzf always showed the same order of things, when I would only need 3 or 4 commonly used files.
-For those who don't know: yeganesh is a wrapper around dmenu that will remember your most used programs and put them on the beginning of the list of executables.
-This is very convenient for interactive prolonged use, as with time the things you usually want are right at the very beginning.
-But now I had this thing, yeganesh, that solved this problem for dmenu, but didn't for fzf.
-I initially considered patching yeganesh to support it, but I found it more coupled to dmenu than I would desire.
-I'd rather have something that knows nothing about dmenu, fzf or anything, but enhances tools like those in a useful way.
-[remembering]: https://euandreh.xyz/remembering/
-[dmenu]: https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/
-[fzf]: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf
-[yeganesh]: http://dmwit.com/yeganesh/
-## Implementation
-Other than being decoupled from dmenu, another improvement I though that could be made on top of yeganesh is the programming language choice.
-Instead of Haskell, I went with POSIX sh.
-Sticking to POSIX sh makes it require less build-time dependencies. There aren't any, actually. Packaging is made much easier due to that.
-The good thing is that the program itself is small enough ([119 lines][119-lines] on v0.1.0) that POSIX sh does the job just fine, combined with other POSIX utilities such as [getopts][getopts], [sort][sort] and [awk][awk].
-[119-lines]: https://euandre.org/git/remembering/tree/remembering?id=v0.1.0
-[getopts]: http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/getopts.html
-[sort]: http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/sort.html
-[awk]: http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/awk.html
-The behaviour is: given a program that will read from STDIN and write a single entry to STDOUT, `remembering` wraps that program, and rearranges STDIN so that previous choices appear at the beginning.
-Where you would do:
-$ seq 5 | fzf
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
-> 1
- 5/5
-And every time get the same order of numbers, now you can write:
-$ seq 5 | remembering -p seq-fzf -c fzf
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
-> 1
- 5/5
-On the first run, everything is the same. If you picked 4 on the previous example, the following run would be different:
-$ seq 5 | remembering -p seq-fzf -c fzf
- 5
- 3
- 2
- 1
-> 4
- 5/5
-As time passes, the list would adjust based on the frequency of your choices.
-I aimed for reusability, so that I could wrap diverse commands with `remembering` and it would be able to work. To accomplish that, a "profile" (the `-p something` part) stores data about different runs separately.
-I took the idea of building something small with few dependencies to other places too:
-- the manpages are written in troff directly;
-- the tests are just more POSIX sh files;
-- and a POSIX Makefile to `check` and `install`.
-I was aware of the value of sticking to coding to standards, but I had past experience mostly with programming language standards, such as ECMAScript, Common Lisp, Scheme, or with IndexedDB or DOM APIs.
-It felt good to rediscover these nice POSIX tools, which makes me remember of a quote by [Henry Spencer][poor-unix]:
-> Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
-[poor-unix]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Spencer#cite_note-3
-## Usage examples
-Here are some functions I wrote myself that you may find useful:
-### Run a command with fzf on `$PWD`
-f() {
- profile="$f-shell-function(pwd | sed -e 's_/_-_g')"
- file="$(git ls-files | \
- remembering -p "$profile" \
- -c "fzf --select-1 --exit -0 --query \"$2\" --preview 'cat {}'")"
- if [ -n "$file" ]; then
- # shellcheck disable=2068
- history -s f $@
- history -s "$1" "$file"
- "$1" "$file"
-This way I can run `f vi` or `f vi config` at the root of a repository, and the list of files will always appear on the most used order.
-Adding `pwd` to the profile allows it to not mix data for different repositories.
-### Copy password to clipboard
-choice="$(find "$HOME/.password-store" -type f | \
- grep -Ev '(.git|.gpg-id)' | \
- sed -e "s|$HOME/.password-store/||" -e 's/\.gpg$//' | \
- remembering -p password-store \
- -c 'dmenu -l 20 -i')"
-if [ -n "$choice" ]; then
- pass show "$choice" -c
-Adding the above to a file and binding it to a keyboard shortcut, I can access the contents of my [password store][password-store], with the entries ordered by usage.
-[password-store]: https://www.passwordstore.org/
-### Replacing yeganesh
-Where I previously had:
-exe=$(yeganesh -x) && exec $exe
-Now I have:
-exe=$(dmenu_path | remembering -p dmenu-exec -c dmenu) && exec $exe
-This way, the executables appear on order of usage.
-If you don't have `dmenu_path`, you can get just the underlying `stest` tool that looks at the executables available in your `$PATH`. Here's a juicy one-liner to do it:
-$ wget -O- https://dl.suckless.org/tools/dmenu-5.0.tar.gz | \
- tar Ozxf - dmenu-5.0/arg.h dmenu-5.0/stest.c | \
- sed 's|^#include "arg.h"$|// #include "arg.h"|' | \
- cc -xc - -o stest
-With the `stest` utility you'll be able to list executables in your `$PATH` and pipe them to dmenu or something else yourself:
-$ (IFS=:; ./stest -flx $PATH;) | sort -u | remembering -p another-dmenu-exec -c dmenu | sh
-In fact, the code for `dmenu_path` is almost just like that.
-## Conclusion
-For my personal use, I've [packaged] `remembering` for GNU Guix and Nix. Packaging it to any other distribution should be trivial, or just downloading the tarball and running `[sudo] make install`.
-Patches welcome!
-[packaged]: https://euandre.org/git/package-repository/
-[nix-file]: https://euandre.org/git/dotfiles/tree/nixos/not-on-nixpkgs/remembering.nix?id=0831444f745cf908e940407c3e00a61f6152961f
diff --git a/v2/src/content/en/slide/local-first.ps b/v2/src/content/en/slide/local-first.ps
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-( On "local-first") title
-(Beyond the CRDT silver bullet) authortwo
-%%Page: 1 1
-( Part 1) header
-( Exposition) title
-%%Page: 2 2
-( Target) header
-() n
-() n
-() n
-(- documents) n
-(- files) n
-(- personal data repositories) n
-() n
-() n
-(Not: banking services, e-commerce, social networking, ride-sharing, etc.) n
-%%Page: 3 3
-() n
-() n
-() n
-( 7 ideals for local-first software) title
-%%Page: 4 4
-() n
-() n
-() n
-( 1 - no spinners: your work at your fingertips) title
-%%Page: 5 5
-() n
-() n
-() n
-( 2 - your work is not trapped on one device) title
-%%Page: 6 6
-() n
-() n
-() n
-( 3 - the network is optional) title
-%%Page: 7 7
-() n
-() n
-() n
-( 4 - seamless collaboration with your colleagues) title
-%%Page: 8 8
-() n
-() n
-() n
-( 5 - the long now) title
-%%Page: 9 9
-() n
-() n
-() n
-( 6 - security and privacy by default ) title
-%%Page: 10 10
-() n
-() n
-() n
-( 7 - you retain ultimate ownership and control) title
-%%Page: 11 11
-( Towards a better future) header
-() n
-() n
-() n
-() n
-( CRDTs \(Conflict-free Replicated Data Types\) as a Foundational Technology) authortwo
-%%Page: 12 12
-( Use case) header
-() n
-(# in node A and node B) cn
-(s = "Hello, World") cn
-() cn
-(# in node A) cn
-(s = "Hello, Alice") cn
-() cn
-(# in node B) cn
-(s = "Hello, Bob") cn
-(How to reconcile those?) n
-(- Hello, ABloibce) n
-(- Hello, AliceBob) n
-(- Hello, BobAlice) n
-(- Hello, Alice) n
-(...) n
-%%Page: 13 13
-( Existing CRDTs differ) title
-(- performance) n
-(- storage) n
-(- compression) n
-(- metadata overhead) n
-%%Page: 14 14
-() n
-() n
-() n
-( Hint towards the "automerge" CRDT) title
-%%Page: 15 15
-() n
-() n
-() n
-() n
-() n
-() n
-(show comparison table, page 9) author
-%%Page: 16 16
-( Part 2) header
-( Critique) title
-%%Page: 17 17
-( Software license) header
-() n
-() n
-() n
-("In our opinion, maintaining control and ownership of data does not mean that the software must necessarily be open source.") author
-%%Page: 18 18
-( Example 1 - intentional restriction) header
-() n
-(#!/bin/sh) cn
-(TODAY="$\(date +%s\)") cn
-(LICENSE_EXPIRATION="$\(date -d 2020-10-27 +%s\)") cn
-(if [ "$TODAY" -ge "$LICENSE_EXPIRATION" ]; then) cn
-( echo 'License expired!') cn
-( exit 1) cn
-(fi) cn
-(echo $\(\(2 + 2\)\)) cn
-() n
-(# today) cn
-($ ./useful-adder.sh) cn
-(4) cn
-(# tomorrow) cn
-($ ./useful-adder.sh) cn
-(License expired!) cn
-%%Page: 19 19
-( Example 2 - unintentional restriction) header
-() n
-(# today) cn
-($ useful-program) cn
-(# ... useful output ...) cn
-() cn
-(# tomorrow, with more data) cn
-($ useful-program) cn
-(ERROR: Panic! Stack overflow!) cn
-%%Page: 20 20
-() n
-() n
-( local-first *requires* free software ) title
-(Otherwise "The Long Now" \(ideal nº5\) is lost) n
-%%Page: 21 21
-( Denial of existing solutions) header
-() n
-() n
-("In principle it is possible to collaborate without a repository service, e.g. by sending patch files by email, but the majority of Git users rely on GitHub." ) author
-() n
-(Solution: either GitHub+CRDTs or git send-email ) n
-%%Page: 22 22
-( Plain-text formats) header
-() n
-("Git is highly optimized for code and similar line-based text file") author
-() n
-(It even pulls software to the plain text directtion, e.g.:) n
-(- delivery-templates) n
-(- common-core.protocols.config) n
-() n
-(Why not exploit that more?) n
-%%Page: 23 23
-( Ditching of web applications) header
-() n
-() n
-("The architecture of web apps remains fundamentally server-centric) author
-() n
-(Disagree. Contrast PouchDB with Android Instant Apps) n
-%%Page: 24 24
-( Costs are underrated) header
-() n
-(- storage) n
-(- backups) n
-(- maintenance) n
-() n
-(Example: blog vs vlog) n
-%%Page: 25 25
-( Real-time collaboration a bit overrated) header
-() n
-(It is only possible on the presence of reliable, medium-quality network connection) n
-() n
-() n
-("X also works when inside an elevator, subway or plane!") author
-%%Page: 26 26
-( On CRDTs and developer experience) header
-() n
-("For an app developer, how does the use of a CRDT-based data layer compare to existing storage layers like a SQL database, a filesystem, or CoreData? Is a distributed system harder to write software for?) author
-() n
-(YES.) authortwo
-() n
-(See "A Note on Distributed Computing") n
-%%Page: 27 27
-( Conclusion) header
-() n
-(Why this is a "paper I love": it took offline-first and ran with it.) n
-() n
-(But a pinch of CRDT won't make the world local-first. ) n
-() n
-(The tricky part is the end of the sentence: "in spite of the Cloud".) n
-%%Page: 28 28
-( References) header
-() n
-(1. "Local-First Software: You Own Your Data, in spite of the Cloud", by M. Kleppmann, A. Wiggins, P. Van Hardenberg and M. F. McGranaghan) n
-(2. The Morning Paper article) n
-(3. "A Note on Distributed Compiting", by J. Waldo, G. Wyant, A. Wollrath and S. Kendall) n
-(4. these slides: euandre.org/slide/) n
-(5. prose version of this presentation) n
-(6. view source) n
diff --git a/v2/src/content/en/slide/local-first.slides b/v2/src/content/en/slide/local-first.slides
deleted file mode 100644
index fd83115..0000000
--- a/v2/src/content/en/slide/local-first.slides
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-# On "local-first"
-@Beyond the CRDT silver bullet
-## Part 1
-# Exposition
-## Target
-- documents
-- files
-- personal data repositories
-Not: banking services, e-commerce, social networking, ride-sharing, etc.
-# 7 ideals for local-first software
-# 1 - no spinners: your work at your fingertips
-# 2 - your work is not trapped on one device
-# 3 - the network is optional
-# 4 - seamless collaboration with your colleagues
-# 5 - the long now
-# 6 - security and privacy by default
-# 7 - you retain ultimate ownership and control
-## Towards a better future
-@ CRDTs (Conflict-free Replicated Data Types) as a Foundational Technology
-## Use case
- # in node A and node B
- s = "Hello, World"
- # in node A
- s = "Hello, Alice"
- # in node B
- s = "Hello, Bob"
-How to reconcile those?
-- Hello, ABloibce
-- Hello, AliceBob
-- Hello, BobAlice
-- Hello, Alice
-# Existing CRDTs differ
-- performance
-- storage
-- compression
-- metadata overhead
-# Hint towards the "automerge" CRDT
-@@show comparison table, page 9
-## Part 2
-# Critique
-## Software license
-@@"In our opinion, maintaining control and ownership of data does not mean that the software must necessarily be open source."
-## Example 1 - intentional restriction
- #!/bin/sh
- TODAY="$(date +%s)"
- LICENSE_EXPIRATION="$(date -d 2020-10-27 +%s)"
- if [ "$TODAY" -ge "$LICENSE_EXPIRATION" ]; then
- echo 'License expired!'
- exit 1
- fi
- echo $((2 + 2))
- # today
- $ ./useful-adder.sh
- 4
- # tomorrow
- $ ./useful-adder.sh
- License expired!
-## Example 2 - unintentional restriction
- # today
- $ useful-program
- # ... useful output ...
- # tomorrow, with more data
- $ useful-program
- ERROR: Panic! Stack overflow!
-# local-first *requires* free software
-Otherwise "The Long Now" (ideal nº5) is lost
-## Denial of existing solutions
-@@"In principle it is possible to collaborate without a repository service, e.g. by sending patch files by email, but the majority of Git users rely on GitHub."
-Solution: either GitHub+CRDTs or git send-email
-## Plain-text formats
-@@"Git is highly optimized for code and similar line-based text file"
-It even pulls software to the plain text directtion, e.g.:
-- delivery-templates
-- common-core.protocols.config
-Why not exploit that more?
-## Ditching of web applications
-@@"The architecture of web apps remains fundamentally server-centric
-% FIXME: links
-Disagree. Contrast PouchDB with Android Instant Apps
-## Costs are underrated
-- storage
-- backups
-- maintenance
-Example: blog vs vlog
-## Real-time collaboration a bit overrated
-It is only possible on the presence of reliable, medium-quality network connection
-@@"X also works when inside an elevator, subway or plane!"
-## On CRDTs and developer experience
-@@"For an app developer, how does the use of a CRDT-based data layer compare to existing storage layers like a SQL database, a filesystem, or CoreData? Is a distributed system harder to write software for?
-% FIXME: link
-See "A Note on Distributed Computing"
-## Conclusion
-Why this is a "paper I love": it took offline-first and ran with it.
-But a pinch of CRDT won't make the world local-first.
-The tricky part is the end of the sentence: "in spite of the Cloud".
-## References
-% FIXME: links
-1. "Local-First Software: You Own Your Data, in spite of the Cloud", by M. Kleppmann, A. Wiggins, P. Van Hardenberg and M. F. McGranaghan
-2. The Morning Paper article
-3. "A Note on Distributed Compiting", by J. Waldo, G. Wyant, A. Wollrath and S. Kendall
-4. these slides: euandre.org/slide/
-5. prose version of this presentation
-6. view source
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-%%Page: 1 1
-( Rollout, feature flag, experiment, operational toggle) title
-(Different use cases for backend, frontend and mobile ) authortwo
-%%Page: 2 2
-() n
-() n
-() n
-( "Feature flags" tend to come up when talking about continuous deployment) title
-%%Page: 3 3
-() n
-() n
-() n
-() n
-(CI: continuous integration) authortwo
-() n
-(CD: continuous delivery) authortwo
-() n
-(CD: continuous deployment) authortwo
-%%Page: 4 4
-( Types) header
-() n
-() n
-() n
-(1. rollout) n
-(2. feature flag) n
-(3. experiment) n
-(4. operational toggle) n
-%%Page: 5 5
-( Rollout) header
-( For *rolling out* a new version of software) title
-(Short-lived using percentages) n
-(- a new deployment of kubernetes) n
-(- new APK released to the Play Store) n
-%%Page: 6 6
-( Feature flag) header
-( For turning a feature *on* or *off* ) title
-(Medium-lived using allow list, A/B test, percentage, app version, etc.) n
-(- :new-chargeback-flow) n
-(- :new-debit-card-activation-screen) n
-%%Page: 7 7
-( Experiment) header
-( For analysing behaviour) title
-(Medium-lived using allow list and A/B test) n
-(- :debit-withdrawal-test) n
-%%Page: 8 8
-( Operational toggle) header
-( For disabling features in #crash-like situations) title
-(Long-lived using percentage) n
-(- :bank-barcode-payment) n
-(- :savings-bank-barcode-query-provider) n
-%%Page: 9 9
-() n
-() n
-(We know know about the types) authortwo
-( But they have different relevance for backend, frontend and mobile) title
-%%Page: 10 10
-( backend) header
-() n
-() n
-(1. rollout: k8s blue/green, canary and ~common-rollout~ common-xp) n
-(2. feature flag: ~common-rollout~ common-xp and datasets) n
-(3. experiment: common-xp) n
-(4. operational toggle: ~common-rollout~ common-xp ) n
-%%Page: 11 11
-( frontend) header
-() n
-() n
-(1. rollout: CDN and page refreshes) n
-(2. feature flag: percentages and maybe IPs \(no :customer/id on the website\)) n
-(3. experiment: via dynamic backend control) n
-(4. operational toggle: via dynamic backend control ) n
-%%Page: 12 12
-( backend) header
-() n
-() n
-(1. rollout: app stores) n
-(2. feature flag: via dynamic backend control) n
-(3. experiment: via dynamic backend control) n
-(4. operational toggle: via dynamic backend control ) n
-%%Page: 13 13
-() n
-() n
-(Key differentiator is) authortwo
-( how much *control* we have over the environment) title
-%%Page: 14 14
-( backend) header
-( full control) title
-%%Page: 15 15
-( frontend) header
-( partial control) title
-(We choose when to make a new version available ) n
-%%Page: 16 16
-( mobile) header
-( very limited control) title
-(- app stores can restrict updates \(worse for iOS\)) n
-(- customers still have to download new versions ) n
-%%Page: 17 17
-( Costs) title
-(- more complex code) n
-(- compatibility with old app versions) n
-(- nesting is exponential) n
-%%Page: 18 18
-( Benefits) title
-(- dynamicity) n
-%%Page: 19 19
-( weighting costs × benefits) header
-( The less control we have, the more we value dynamicity ) title
-%%Page: 20 20
-( weighting costs × benefits) header
-() n
-() n
-() n
-(- backend: sometimes worth the cost) n
-(- frontend: almost always worth the cost) n
-(- mobile: *always* worth the cost) n
-%%Page: 21 21
-() n
-() n
-() n
-( Best practices) title
-%%Page: 22 22
-( dynamic content > feature flag) title
-(Always true for mobile, almost always for frontend ) n
-%%Page: 23 23
-( Use :include-list for named groups ) title
-(Always true for backend, frontend and mobile ) n
-({:rules) cn
-( #{{:types :include-list) cn
-( :content {:filename "debit-team-members.txt"}}}}) cn
-%%Page: 24 24
-( Always use :app-version) title
-(Only for mobile) n
-({:rules) cn
-( #{{:types :app-version) cn
-( :content {:min-version #{{:platform :android) cn
-( :code 1000000}) cn
-( {:platform :ios) cn
-( :code 2000000}}}}}}) cn
-%%Page: 25 25
-( Extend ~common-rollout~ common-xp if required) title
-(That's how :include-list, :app-version, etc. were born) n
-%%Page: 26 26
-( Beware of many nested feature flags) title
-(True for backend, frontend and mobile) n
-%%Page: 27 27
-( Don't delete app-facing feature flags) title
-(True for mobile) n
-%%Page: 28 28
-() n
-() n
-() n
-( Include a feature flag on the whiteboarding phase) title
-%%Page: 29 29
-() n
-() n
-() n
-( Include deleting/retiring the feature flag at the end) title
-%%Page: 30 30
-( Avoid renaming a feature flag) title
-(Use :app-version with :min-version instead) n
-%%Page: 31 31
-() n
-() n
-() n
-( And most importantly...) title
-%%Page: 32 32
-( *Always* rely on a feature flag on the app) title
-(Never do a hotfix, avoid expedited releases at all costs) n
-%%Page: 33 33
-( References) header
-() n
-(1. "Feature Toggles \(aka Feature Flags\)", by Pete Hodgson) n
-(2. "Continuous integration vs. delivery vs. deployment", by Sten Pittet) n
-(3. Accelerate, by N. Forsgren, J. Humble and G. Kim) n
-(4. these slides: euandre.org/slide/) n
-(5. prose version of this presentation) n
-(6. view source) n
diff --git a/v2/src/content/en/slide/rollouts.slides b/v2/src/content/en/slide/rollouts.slides
deleted file mode 100644
index aed745e..0000000
--- a/v2/src/content/en/slide/rollouts.slides
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-# Rollout, feature flag, experiment, operational toggle
-@Different use cases for backend, frontend and mobile
-# "Feature flags" tend to come up when talking about continuous deployment
-@CI: continuous integration
-@CD: continuous delivery
-@CD: continuous deployment
-## Types
-1. rollout
-2. feature flag
-3. experiment
-4. operational toggle
-% {favicon.svg}
-## Rollout
-# For *rolling out* a new version of software
-Short-lived using percentages
-% FIXME: links
-- a new deployment of kubernetes
-- new APK released to the Play Store
-## Feature flag
-# For turning a feature *on* or *off*
-Medium-lived using allow list, A/B test, percentage, app version, etc.
-- :new-chargeback-flow
-- :new-debit-card-activation-screen
-## Experiment
-# For analysing behaviour
-Medium-lived using allow list and A/B test
-- :debit-withdrawal-test
-## Operational toggle
-# For disabling features in #crash-like situations
-Long-lived using percentage
-- :bank-barcode-payment
-- :savings-bank-barcode-query-provider
-@We know know about the types
-# But they have different relevance for backend, frontend and mobile
-## backend
-1. rollout: k8s blue/green, canary and ~common-rollout~ common-xp
-2. feature flag: ~common-rollout~ common-xp and datasets
-3. experiment: common-xp
-4. operational toggle: ~common-rollout~ common-xp
-## frontend
-1. rollout: CDN and page refreshes
-2. feature flag: percentages and maybe IPs (no :customer/id on the website)
-3. experiment: via dynamic backend control
-4. operational toggle: via dynamic backend control
-## backend
-1. rollout: app stores
-2. feature flag: via dynamic backend control
-3. experiment: via dynamic backend control
-4. operational toggle: via dynamic backend control
-@Key differentiator is
-# how much *control* we have over the environment
-## backend
-# full control
-% FIXME: emoji
-% 🎉
-## frontend
-# partial control
-We choose when to make a new version available
-## mobile
-# very limited control
-- app stores can restrict updates (worse for iOS)
-- customers still have to download new versions
-# Costs
-- more complex code
-- compatibility with old app versions
-- nesting is exponential
-# Benefits
-- dynamicity
-## weighting costs × benefits
-# The less control we have, the more we value dynamicity
-## weighting costs × benefits
-- backend: sometimes worth the cost
-- frontend: almost always worth the cost
-- mobile: *always* worth the cost
-# Best practices
-# dynamic content > feature flag
-Always true for mobile, almost always for frontend
-# Use :include-list for named groups
-Always true for backend, frontend and mobile
- {:rules
- #{{:types :include-list
- :content {:filename "debit-team-members.txt"}}}}
-# Always use :app-version
-Only for mobile
- {:rules
- #{{:types :app-version
- :content {:min-version #{{:platform :android
- :code 1000000}
- {:platform :ios
- :code 2000000}}}}}}
-# Extend ~common-rollout~ common-xp if required
-That's how :include-list, :app-version, etc. were born
-# Beware of many nested feature flags
-True for backend, frontend and mobile
-# Don't delete app-facing feature flags
-True for mobile
-# Include a feature flag on the whiteboarding phase
-# Include deleting/retiring the feature flag at the end
-# Avoid renaming a feature flag
-Use :app-version with :min-version instead
-# And most importantly...
-# *Always* rely on a feature flag on the app
-Never do a hotfix, avoid expedited releases at all costs
-## References
-% FIXME: links
-1. "Feature Toggles (aka Feature Flags)", by Pete Hodgson
-2. "Continuous integration vs. delivery vs. deployment", by Sten Pittet
-3. Accelerate, by N. Forsgren, J. Humble and G. Kim
-4. these slides: euandre.org/slide/
-5. prose version of this presentation
-6. view source
diff --git a/v2/src/content/en/til/lisp-three-way-conditional.md b/v2/src/content/en/til/lisp-three-way-conditional.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 20fbd09..0000000
--- a/v2/src/content/en/til/lisp-three-way-conditional.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-title: Three-way conditional for number signs on Lisp
-date: 2021-04-24 3
-update: 2021-08-14
-categories: lisp scheme common-lisp
-A useful macro from Paul Graham's [On Lisp][on-lisp] book:
-(defmacro nif (expr pos zero neg)
- (let ((g (gensym)))
- `(let ((,g ,expr))
- (cond ((plusp ,g) ,pos)
- ((zerop ,g) ,zero)
- (t ,neg)))))
-After I looked at this macro, I started seeing opportunities to using it in many places, and yet I didn't see anyone else using it.
-The latest example I can think of is section 1.3.3 of [Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs][sicp], which I was reading recently:
-(define (search f neg-point pos-point)
- (let ((midpoint (average neg-point pos-point)))
- (if (close-enough? neg-point post-point)
- midpoint
- (let ((test-value (f midpoint)))
- (cond ((positive? test-value)
- (search f neg-point midpoint))
- ((negative? test-value)
- (search f midpoint pos-point))
- (else midpoint))))))
-Not that the book should introduce such macro this early, but I couldn't avoid feeling bothered by not using the `nif` macro, which could even remove the need for the intermediate `test-value` variable:
-(define (search f neg-point pos-point)
- (let ((midpoint (average neg-point pos-point)))
- (if (close-enough? neg-point post-point)
- midpoint
- (nif (f midpoint)
- (search f neg-point midpoint)
- (midpoint)
- (search f midpoint pos-point)))))
-It also avoids `cond`'s extra clunky parentheses for grouping, which is unnecessary but built-in.
-As a macro, I personally feel it tilts the balance towards expressivenes despite its extra cognitive load toll.
-[on-lisp]: http://www.paulgraham.com/onlisptext.html
-[sicp]: https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/index.html
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Binary files differ
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-three yellow lines representing an Atom feed
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-three yellow lines representing an Atom feed
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-an envelope icon representing an email address
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-an envelope icon representing an email address
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--- a/v2/src/content/img/alt/favicon.en.txt
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-a crude hand doing a thumbs up
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deleted file mode 100644
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-a crude hand doing a thumbs up
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-two chain rings, representing an anchor to this header
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-two chain rings, representing an anchor to this header
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-a drawing of a box with an arrow going outwards, representing an internal link
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-a drawing of a box with an arrow going outwards, representing an internal
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-a lock icon representing a GPG public key
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-a lock icon representing a GPG public key
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- <path d="M576 1344q0 80-56 136t-136 56-136-56-56-136 56-136 136-56 136 56 56 136zm512 123q2 28-17 48-18 21-47 21h-135q-25 0-43-16.5t-20-41.5q-22-229-184.5-391.5t-391.5-184.5q-25-2-41.5-20t-16.5-43v-135q0-29 21-47 17-17 43-17h5q160 13 306 80.5t259 181.5q114 113 181.5 259t80.5 306zm512 2q2 27-18 47-18 20-46 20h-143q-26 0-44.5-17.5t-19.5-42.5q-12-215-101-408.5t-231.5-336-336-231.5-408.5-102q-25-1-42.5-19.5t-17.5-43.5v-143q0-28 20-46 18-18 44-18h3q262 13 501.5 120t425.5 294q187 186 294 425.5t120 501.5z"
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index 6971827..0000000
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-title: Three-way conditional for number signs on Lisp
-date: 2021-04-24 3
-update: 2021-08-14
-categories: lisp scheme common-lisp
-A useful macro from Paul Graham's [On Lisp][on-lisp] book:
-(defmacro nif (expr pos zero neg)
- (let ((g (gensym)))
- `(let ((,g ,expr))
- (cond ((plusp ,g) ,pos)
- ((zerop ,g) ,zero)
- (t ,neg)))))
-After I looked at this macro, I started seeing opportunities to using it in
-many places, and yet I didn't see anyone else using it.
-The latest example I can think of is section 1.3.3 of [Structure and
-Interpretation of Computer Programs][sicp], which I was reading recently:
-(define (search f neg-point pos-point)
- (let ((midpoint (average neg-point pos-point)))
- (if (close-enough? neg-point post-point)
- midpoint
- (let ((test-value (f midpoint)))
- (cond ((positive? test-value)
- (search f neg-point midpoint))
- ((negative? test-value)
- (search f midpoint pos-point))
- (else midpoint))))))
-Not that the book should introduce such macro this early, but I couldn't
-avoid feeling bothered by not using the `nif` macro, which could even remove
-the need for the intermediate `test-value` variable:
-(define (search f neg-point pos-point)
- (let ((midpoint (average neg-point pos-point)))
- (if (close-enough? neg-point post-point)
- midpoint
- (nif (f midpoint)
- (search f neg-point midpoint)
- (midpoint)
- (search f midpoint pos-point)))))
-It also avoids `cond`'s extra clunky parentheses for grouping, which is
-unnecessary but built-in.
-As a macro, I personally feel it tilts the balance towards expressivenes
-despite its extra cognitive load toll.
-[on-lisp]: http://www.paulgraham.com/onlisptext.html [sicp]:
diff --git a/v2/src/content/pt/pastebin/exercicios-sicp-e-19.md b/v2/src/content/pt/pastebin/exercicios-sicp-e-19.md
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-title: SICP exercise 3.19
-date: 2021-09-02
-categories: lisp programming-languages
-Some content here, before:
-(define (cycle? l)
- (define (rec l x)
- (cond
- ((null? x) false)
- ((eq? l x) true)
- (true (rec l (cdr x)))))
- (rec l (cdr l)))
-Sample interactive session:
-scheme@(guile-user)> (define true #t)
-scheme@(guile-user)> (define false #f)
-(define (cycle? l)
- (define (rec l x)
- (cond
- ((null? x) false)
- ((eq? l x) true)
- (true (rec l (cdr x)))))
- (rec l (cdr l)))
-scheme@(guile-user)> (cycle? '(1 2 3))
-$9 = #f
-scheme@(guile-user)> (cycle? (make-cycle '(1 2 3)))
-$10 = #t
-# An h1
-a list:
-1. one
-2. two
-3. three
-some content.
-- item
-- another
-- yet another
-## An h2
-``` xupliu 1
-3 4
-dez ```
-Foi `wikiwiu`.
-a very long code block:
-wef wef wef wef
-wef wef wef wef we fwef wef wef wef wef
-Someone said:
-> Xablau, xupliu.
-### A repeated header ### A repeated header
-a big list:
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
-1. a
diff --git a/v2/src/content/pt/sobre.page b/v2/src/content/pt/sobre.page
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-title: About
-It's all about me, baby!
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