diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/utils.nix b/utils.nix
index fd25021..f02db70 100644
--- a/utils.nix
+++ b/utils.nix
@@ -61,21 +61,16 @@ in rec {
exit 1
- orgMkDocs = title:
+ readmeCss = builtins.fetchurl {
+ url = "https://euandre.org/dotfiles/static/README.css";
+ sha256 = "1r7ak92zsbhjm1qxz0r3dig0yxb41l43zl0yai63izha2s5r54d4";
+ };
+ readmeOrg = title:
baseTask.overrideAttrs (baseAttrs: {
- name = "${baseAttrs.name}-docs";
- buildInputs = [ pkgs.pandoc pkgs.mkdocs ];
+ name = "${baseAttrs.name}-readme-docs";
+ buildInputs = [ pkgs.pandoc ];
buildPhase = ''
- # Convert from org-mode to markdown with pandoc
- find docs/ -type f -name '*.org' -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} pandoc -o {}.md {}.org
- # Give the generated markdown files to MkDocs
- mkdocs build
- # Build remaining one-off files
- pandoc README.org -o site/index.html --css docs/README.css --to=html5 --self-contained --metadata title="${title}"
- mv site/ $out/
+ pandoc README.org -o $out --css ${readmeCss} --to=html5 --self-contained --metadata title="${title}"
test = testDerivations:
@@ -90,10 +85,11 @@ in rec {
touch $out
- publishScript = docsDerivation:
+ overwritingPublishScript = { docsDerivation, overwrite ? true }:
pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "publish.sh" ''
set -euo pipefail
+ ${if overwrite then "# " else ""}${pkgs.openssh}/bin/ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "$SERVER_URL" rm -rf "$DOCS_SERVER_PATH/*"
${pkgs.rsync}/bin/rsync -avzP \
--rsh="ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" \
"$OUT_DOCS/" \